Z1-8 Duster Artillery Command Vehicle

This Vehicle was created in direct reaction to the creation of the Oyeiship by the The Radical Coalition. This was created as part of Operation Grey Nightmare. This project was created with the goal of finding a way to disarm the Oyeiship and limit the amount of damage it would be able to deal on unsuspecting cities.


This technology was used to identify the rare times when the personnel of the Oyeishipwere on deck and therefore susceptible to harm. It could also be configured to detect refilling schedules and occasionally maintenance schedules of the Oyeiship. It was truely a Utlitarian device where the cost of a few lives were weighed against the cost of a whole city.
Access & Availability
This technology was made available to all countries that were targeted by Oyeiship irrespective of which alliance they were a part of or there relationship to those using the Oyeiship. The technology was expensive the maintain and not very successful so many countries never took the time to create it for themselves.
The technology is not terrible difficult to build however it does require several very technical systems like radar, heat sensors, and generators. Along with the countries preferred type of long range armament.
It was discovered that these ships required massive amounts of power to function and required well maintained crews. Due to the heavy armory held on the ship and the thick metal it was made out of the decision was made to go for the softer (human) target. The Grand Duchy of Kwong, Heptarchy of Sabia, and Ulus of Del were the countries contributing the most scientist to the conquest while the Kingdom of Al Sha and Ramian Empirewere funneling funds under the table to it.


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