Ban of the Valar in Ileth | World Anvil
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Ban of the Valar

After the Banishment of Númenór the Valar put in place "The Ban of the Valar". It decreed that no one may sail to the undying lands from Ileth, anyone who tried would be sunk, and killed.

However there is a path through. Originally left for any deities to find their way to the Undying lands should they have missed the original Exodus. Manwë Súlimo scattered three gems of immense beauty and power named the Silmarils across the four winds. These Gems were hidden across Ileth
It is also said, in ancient scripts known only to the Black Librarians, that any mortal who travels to the undying lands will receive a boon of the Gods. 

One Silmaril is located in the black vaults beneath the Imperial Palace in the Imperium of Man.

Another Silmaril is the treasure of the hidden city, in the depths of the Underdark: Commorragh

The Last Silmaril is known under a different name: The Arkenstone. birth jewel of the dwarven peoples. Once taken by the Volibear and filled with the power of storms, it currently rests in the Kingdom of Erebor.


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