Solunus Vespera Character in Ileth | World Anvil
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Solunus Vespera (Sun, moon, and dusk in Latin)

Solunus Vespera is a minor deity and a member of the Maiar.

Solunus Vespera is the seacret offspring of Lathander and Selune and remained in Ileth after the Ban due to being only a fledgling at the time. Solunus has been searching, since then, to create a following of his own and find someone who can truly represent his vision.

Solunus is a two faced God in a literal sense: during night and day he speaks in different voices, in different tones. He is split, representing both Sun and Moon embodying the light of both, at different times. With this Solunus also represents a strong sense of rebirth, symbolizing the dawn and dusk of day, he takes great love for a 'second chance'.

His personality is somewhat childlike with great fluctuation:
During the day Solunus is loud, brazen, masculine and youthful, whereas during the night he is wise, collected, solemn, and parental.


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