Ileth History of Ileth Timeline
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History of Ileth

This is a very rough timeline that includes many of the continent spanning and world changing events for Ileth.


0 > 20039 PS

The PS era covers all events before "the shattering".

  • 0 PS

    Creation and the Age of Gods

    The Universe itself popped into existence. The reason for which is only known by few.
    The Gods were introduced into the world at this time. Powerful beings that each reflect an aspect of Terra. There were three clans of Gods.
    The Valar: The creators.
    The Maiar: The Keepers, and
    The Chaos Gods: The warp touched.
    Lastly, some say there was a fourth: The sisterhood: The seven deadly sins. Word has it the Witch of Envy killed her sisters for greater power, and then died herself. So they were lost in the annals of time.

  • 12972 PS

    1 Yestarë 08:00
    12973 PS

    19 Narvinyë 12:00

    The Exodus of Gods
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Gods of Ileth Left the continent on silver ships across to the undying lands allowing mortal souls to inherit the continent. All the Gods left Ileth due to the growing power of Chaos from the growing number of mortal minds fueling it, they chose to leave and sever themselves from the warp to limit their own contribution to it's growth and as they left they used their power to pull the undying lands away from the continent and established the Ban of the Valar.

  • 13782 PS

    13 Lótessë 11:00
    13782 PS

    26 Cermië 11:00

    The Banishment
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Banishment is when the Númenóreans were cast of of the undying lands and the Island of Númenór because of their envy and aggression against the Valar. They were sent out across the great ocean to settle in Ileth.

  • 13783 PS

    1 Yestarë 01:00
    17999 PS

    1 Yestarë 01:00

    The Age of Strife
    Era beginning/end

    The Age of Strife is a dark era in Ilethian history. In it marks the rise of the Sylvan Empire and the fall of the Sylvan Elf race. The hardships endured across the continent by every race.

  • 13783 PS

    1 Yestarë 12:00
    13852 PS

    28 Nénimë 12:00

    Rise of the Sylvan Empire
    Military action

    Ileth remained peaceful until the emergence of a new high king of the Sylvan Forest: Annatar the deceitful. He appeared from nowhere, usurped the throne and declared the continent rightfully his. The following 69 years of conquest scarred the continent for long after. There were few who resisted, the kingdom of Arnor and the men of Númenor did all they could to help their kin just bearly defending themselves. Some small Elf kingdoms resisted, and detested the Sylvans for their actions too. One of which being the Kingdom of Caledor who have come to occupy the once Sylvan capital as of 3999 PS.

  • 13855 PS

    30 Nárië 01:00
    17998 PS

    12 Narquelië 12:00

    The Fall
    Cultural event

    After their conquest of the continent the Sylvan Elves met plenty and excess while all other races were tortured, browbeaten, and enslaved. Over the millennia as Annatar Ruled, with his unnatural long life even for an Elf, the Sylvan society grew more depraved, more degenerate. They indulged more and more in all excess of pleasure, pain, and much more.

  • 17999 PS

    1 Yestarë 01:00
    17999 PS

    30 Narquelië 23:00

    The Birth of Slaanesh
    Life, Supernatural

    Due to the built up pleasure and agony of the Sylvan Elves spilling into the warp for thousands of years it caused the birth of a new chaos God: Slaanesh. Called the Prince of pleasure by men and "She who thirsts" by the Sylvan Elves. The birth of a Chaos God from their race instantly ripped the souls of almost all of their race into the warp empowering Slaanesh, most remaining fell to her corruption agreeing to a deal thin in return for keeping their souls they must continue their depraved madness, this includes Annatar. Very few, only in the hundreds, who had left years before to flee the Sylvan Tyranny remain unaffected but ever Slaanesh thirsts for them.

  • 18000 PS

    1 Yestarë 01:00
    18132 PS

    30 Úrimë 18:00

    The Shattering
    Disaster / Destruction

    On the very second of the turning of the millennium, Ileth shook, Lightning rend the sky and mountains cracked. In that moment the fabric between the materium and the warp was torn. This caused two things: The emergence of warp sensitive individuals across the continent and a great fracture appearing in the upper Urals connecting directly to the warp, later known as "The eye of terror". Two names emerged following the event: The Emperor of Man, and the high Elf lord: Caledor the Conqueror.
    The Emperor and Caledor set out with immense haste to crush the ramnants of the Sylvan Empire and save the dying continent from destruction. Their Godlike power and reinvigorated armies swept like a tide over the Sylvan Elves. Both rulers and their armies eventually reached the Sylvan capital: Drukhari. There they killed Annatar and pushed the last of the now "Dark Elves" into the underdark. Not long after his army had secured the city Caledor went missing whereas The Emperor set out on a mission to recover lost and destroyed territories for Man and investigate the inaction of the fracture: Establishing a country known as "The Imperium of Man".

  • 18133 PS

    15 Nénimë 12:00
    18140 PS

    17 Cermië 12:00

    Unification Wars
    Military action

    Not long after the shattering had concluded, The Emperor unveiled two things: The Astartes Project, and "The Imperial Truth". The latter of which is a belief system put in place by The Emperor for the Imperium to follow. The Imperium then set out with their new armies of Astartes in a series of conflicts known as "The Unification Wars" with the purpose of bringing all of mankind under the Emperor's wing. Many small kingdoms fell quickly to the imperium's might, others held out longer with secret support form Arnor. Arnor was very displeased by the imperium's intolerance to other races and the belief in the old Gods and sought to stop the Imperium. Eventually the conflict led to a war between Arnor and the Imperium over the rights to free belief in Ileth. During the following war High king Elendil and his son Isildur both died not long after the battle of the Pelennor Fields when Eorl the Younger came to Arnor's aid cementing the Oath of Eorl. The conflicts ended in a stalemate despite the heavy losses and the Imperium ceased its expansion. Mardil Voronwë "the Steadfast" took over as the ruling steward of Arnor and pledged his line will stand down to the true High King when they return, he also gifted the Westfold to Eorl and his people who founded "The Riddermark".

  • 18140 PS

    23 Yavannië 12:00
    18699 PS

    12 Nárië 12:00

    The Dark Age of Technology
    Era beginning/end

    The Dark age of Technology is an continent spanning era but only The Imperium of Man felt it's grace. It was an era where The Emperor and his servants brought about magical new  technological wonders; machines, super soldiers, weapons of war and science in accordance with the Imperial Truth. Such massive advancements in technology that would not be seen anywhere else in the continent even to this day (year 3999 AS FA). The technology was primarily produced in only two cities; The Grand Temple of the Omnissiah, and Collegia Titanica, dubbed "Forge cities" by imperials and others alike. In these cities The Emperor and Adeptus Mechanicus worked tirelessly to create and advance  in science. The wonders were shared across the imperium and enjoyed by all. It was a time of prosperity and peace for the Imperium and during this time The Emperor began the Primarch Project.

  • 18500 PS

    21 Cermië 12:00
    18700 PS

    5 Narvinyë 12:00

    The Primarch Project
    Life, Birth

    The Primarch Project started by The Emperor two hundred year prior is completed. Using his psychic powers and his own genes as a template, The Emperor endeavored to create 20 sons who could aid him with great strength in his missions and lead his 20 Astartes Legions, each of which was based upon the gene seed of each primarch. Upon completion, when they were only just created, young. Tzeentch unveiled his scheme and instantly transported the twenty across the continent, scattered and alone.

  • 18700 PS

    9 Narvinyë 12:00
    19572 PS

    15 Súlimë 12:00

    Great Crusade
    Military action

    After The Emperor's Children, The Primarchs were scattered across the continent the fracture opened during the shattering widened and from it spilled forth an immense tide of demons from all four chaos Gods: Chaos Undivided. They swept across the wastes in a fury approaching the continent major and brought with them cultists and beasts alike. The huge force was immense as it crashed against the bulwark of the Imperium: Cadia and the eastern border  of Arnor. The Emperor declared a crusade against the demons of the warp, during which he would also search for his lost sons. 
    The war was hard fought, many Astartes and Gaurdsmen  died alike and Arnor took many losses causing demons to spill through it's borders and into Sylvania and Greccland too. Eastern Ileth was decimated by the attacks but a combined force of Arnor and the Imperium managed to push back the demons to the Northern Chaos wastes. 
    As the war was fought, every few years a new Primarch was found and joined the battle with their legion bringing vigor and replenishment with them until in around 19246 where all 18 Primarchs were accounted for and battling the onslaught of chaos. pushing them back into Nargarond.

  • 19572 PS

    21 Nárië
    20039 PS

    30 Narquelië 12:00

    The Horus Heresy

    The Horus Heresy is an event with seemingly many causes. The Emperor's ban on using psykers legally in the Imperium despite being one himself, The Primarch Lorgar's obsession with the emperor as a God despite the imperial truth, Fulgrim's Slaaneshi sword, Horus' temptation in a cave by Erebus, and much more. many actions by the Emperor had made the Primarchs uneasy, some felt as though just after being found they would be cast aside by the Emperor. In summary: All the Primarchs had their own grievances with the Emperor but Horus felt as though the Emperor had abandoned the great crusade and was giving power over the imperium to normal humans (The High Lords of Terra)  until he was stabbed by a chaos knife by Erebus and was secretly nursed back to health by chaos cultists. Erebus entered Horus' mind while he was injured and showed him vision that the Emperor's secret project was to ascend into godhood and that Horus would be a better leader causing him to plot to overthrow the Emperor and he was possessed by the four Chaos gods. 
    Horus in his position as warmaster gathered other Primarchs to his side until half had fallen to chaos when he declared a rebellion against the Emperor thus dubbed the "Horus Heresy". Loyalist Primarchs were caught in the confusion and killed or seperated, some fled back to Terra with their Legions in order to defend it form Horus and his huge army as they moved to siege the capital of The Imperium. The Horus Heresy decimated the imperium, whole cities were lost and the once great technology was decimated. Many heroes were lost and gained but the imperium would never fully recover. 
    After many years in the Siege of Terra Horus, empowered by all four chaos Gods came face to face with the Emperor. Horus tore into the Emperor, attacking and slashing through his body until the Emperor was a bloody mess, chest agape. Dispite this the Emperor stood still enduring it, for it pained him to see his favorite son like this. Eventually when the Emperor was on the brink of death he took action. Instantaneously he destroyed Horus with a blast of warp energy dispelling and weakening the Gods who had inhabited him breaking the siege on Terra and allowing the loyalist Astartes to push the traitors back into the warp. Due to his injuries the Emperor was inurned inside of his webway project, meant to catch the thoughts of man from entering the warp, and it was used as life support, to which a thousand souls a day are sacrificed as he sits decaying on "The Golden Throne".

  • 20039 PS

    1 Yestarë 12:00
    20039 PS

    30 Narquelië 12:00

    The Dark Imperium
    Civil action

    After the events of the Horus Heresy and the pain Ileth endured from the demon invasion the Fracture fell silent again, the Imperium began to fall into disrepair, It's people falling into zealotry praising the Emperor as a God, corruption spread, old technology was lost; never to be recovered. Across the continent dates were reset, back to zero, with the hope that with new ages Ileth would heal again.

After Shattering

20040 PS and beyond

The new ages. After "the shattering" all dates were reset back to zero and every thousand years marks the beginning of a new age.

  • 1 AS

    30 Yestarë 12:00
    1000 AS

    30 Narquelië 12:00

    Dawn of the first Age
    Era beginning/end

    With much knowledge and history lost to people all across Ileth time started anew but relics of the past remain scattered across the lands as new brave pioneers of civilization take over from ancient civilizations of the past.

  • 6 AS

    23 Súlimë 12:00
    6 AS

    17 Nárië 12:00

    The Dissolution
    Civil action

    After the Imperium was weakened it's government could no longer hold onto its further afield territories, the adeptus Administorum was stretched too thin.
    Many of the central Ilethian territories and the southern territories in Sylvania and Dacia fell apart from the Imperium forming their own countries and regions.

  • 1001 AS

    1 Yestarë 01:00

    The Second Age and Beyond

    Since the end of the First age, and the growth of the new kingdoms, now called the "Free Peoples", Ileth has been in an unprecedented state of peace. Sure enough, wars are still waged between kingdoms or duchies, Imperial officials and Inquisitors still push the binderies of peace and conflict, and the odd tragedy hits a city but in all, the world is good. 
    But beneath it all lies a quiet magical resurgence, some say more beasts are spotted in the wilds since the turning of the fourth age, some say Psykers are growing in frequency again... The world is still new but another darker age may be on the horizon.

  • 3983 AS

    8 Súlimë 9:00
    3983 AS

    8 Súlimë 9:00

    Shard Fall
    Life, Birth

    Two shards fell onto the earth;
    Ainz: The Undead King, and Shiraori: The Spider Queen.
    Shiraori fell into the Pyrenees Mountains, deep in the underdark.
    Ainz fell along with his children and home into the hills of the Katze plains at the edge of the Re-Estize Kingdom.