Bianka Dusong Character in Illica | World Anvil
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Bianka Dusong

Bianka Dusong

Bianka Dusong is an alchemist living in Summers Rest. She keeps to herself and most of her interactions happen when travelers visit her shop which doubles as her home (shop downstairs and home upstairs). It is located in the "big flok" side of town but tucked away near the "small folk" side. She has a green thumb and grows almost everything she needs for the shop. She can occasionally also be seen going to the market or going out into the wilderness to collect plants/other specimens she doesn't have yet. No one has had a negative interaction but she doesn't make friends so people tend to wary of her (and the fact she's tiefling).  
Alternate Art  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and dexterous

Body Features

Black horns, a tail, somewhat sharp teeth, Burgundy eyes, and very purple lol

Facial Features

Resting bitch face but a very sweet smile (if you ignore the sharp teeth)

Identifying Characteristics

Purple everywhere, horns, tail, yeah you know it's her lol

Physical quirks

closed off to people. will be quiet but kind.

Apparel & Accessories

simple clothes to try and pull attention away from her as much as possible and usually wearing a cloak with the hood up while out.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Her parents are very loving and in a happy healthy marriage. She grew up in Belka and was homeschooled by her mother, Natalia, while her father, Ildan, ran their alchemy shop. Bianka received a lot of negative attention from Belka citizens when she was young. Her parents explained that her grandparents wanted a baby so bad that they asked a devil for help and that's why she looks different than everyone else. They didn't tell her which grandparents out of fear that Bianka would resent one of them because of it. Bianka got used to being alone often and learned a lot of alchemy from her father. She was fantastic at raising plants as well. She has a very soft nurturing nature but doesn't often show it to anyone besides her parents. As she got older Bianka was ready to live on her own but was tired of Belka's citizens made up opinions about her. Her family helped her move to Summersrest and set up her own shop there which has become quite successful due to frequent travelers. Her life has been good but she can't help being envious of all the travelers who pass through. There's so much of the world she would like to see. Recently (to whenever the campaign starts), a green tiefling came into her shop. Her name was Rollius and they talked for hours. She told Bianka about her mission to find the devil that infected her bloodline and slay it to lift the curse. She said even if it is only a rumor that she couldn't live with herself if she didn't try. After their talk, Bianka gifted her some of her most special potions. In return, she gave her an old book that she found on his adventures and she had no need for. She read the book over and over trying to understand what this blood magic meant. She didn't think it could possibly work but when she tried some of the alchemical experiments she achieved what the book was explaining. This new power gave her the idea of potentially traveling the world like Rollius and maybe one day even lifting her own curse.

Gender Identity

She's born female and feels female. Her nature is more soft and feminine but she fronts a more intimidating masculine exterior.




Attended school and was homeschooled for a short time as well. She was taught alchemy by her father. She naturally was great at raising plants but both her parents taught her how.


She owns her own alchemy shop in Summers Rest!

Accomplishments & Achievements

She's a store owner! woo!

Failures & Embarrassments

She's a tiefling and doesn't have like any friends :( she's nervous to build any connection with regular folk.

Mental Trauma

She has trust issues. Didn't have close friends. She kept people at a safe distance as they kept her. When she was young there kidnapping attempts that have put her on edge ever since.

Intellectual Characteristics

Bianka is a quick thinker but prefers to plan stuff out when she can.

Morality & Philosophy

She knows that gods, devils, and the like are absolutely real. She doesn't worship any god good or evil because she never felt like she belonged. She knows she's not evil but other churches weren't very welcoming. Her family has refrained from religion as well even though they absolutely believe and respect their existence.


She's a blood hunter tiefling so yes she is lol

Personality Characteristics


She wants to enjoy life while she's alive. She will soak up every moment of the adventure!

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She's good at alchemy, raising plants, she's dexterous, and can do some basic fighting. She's not charismatic. Socially awkward and reserved.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Adventure, learning, people (surprise!), flowers, and nature in general. Dislikes: crowds, public events, greed.


clean my dude


Family Ties

Mother- Natalia: Human from Belka. Father- Ildan: Drow from somewhere else lol

Religious Views

Devils don't scare her. They've already completely affected her life. She has no connection to any god and hasn't tried to seek on out.

Social Aptitude

Introverted. Will probably opt to be blunt to get what she wants. Intimidation is more comfortable to her than charming.

Hobbies & Pets


Wealth & Financial state

the lower middle class of the fantasy world?

Young purple tiefling woman looking to start a life of adventure after she figures out how to use her blood to gain new magical abilities.

Character Location
Current Location
View Character Profile
Date of Birth
The 7th of Hearthfire
Current Residence
Dark purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
common, under common, and infernal