
The costal city of Cadanval is the merchant capital of Slymornia, it is the second largest of the human cities. The city is built along the coast of the Bright Bay, and has Dimo as it's patron God.


Large stone walls, guard towers, ballista, reinforced gates.

Industry & Trade

All sea trade in and out of Slymornia goes through Cadanval. Cadanval has a booming fishing industry, with freshwater fish coming from the Bay, and Salt Water fish coming from the ocean beyond.


Water is the theme of the city, there are waterways along most of the roads, allowing people to take gondolas across them to move easier. There are two large rivers that flow from the Bright Bay and join into 1 outside the city, this is known as the "King's River" it helps to feed the moat around Faroe. There is a large underground sewer system, many bridges dot the city to allow for the rivers to cross the roads, dozens of parks, fountains and other water features decorate the city as well.    Many large towers dot the city, these towers used to belong to mages, but now sit abandoned.


The Horizon District is home to the city leadership, and distinguished guests.   The Waterfront District contains the harbors, warehouses, White Sun Inn.   The Tempest District is home to the Cadanval Guard, the city boasts a large guard presence, and all the guards in Avenshire are trained in the Tempest District   The Bayside, High Tide, and Low Tide districts are the 3 main residential districts.   The largest temple to Dimo, known as the Temple of The Tides, is in the Bayside district, situated in in the NE corner of Cadanval, not far from the coast of the Bright Bay. The Bishop of Dimo is Marian.


Many tourists come for the Festival of the Bright, held every 6 months in the city of Cadanval.   They also come to see The Temple of the Tides. The largest temple to Dimo in all of Illios.


White washed walls, blue and gold decorations. Tall spires are placed around the entire city, and the Duke's castle over looks the whole of the city with breathtaking views of the Bright Bay.


The Bright Bay provides the fresh water needed for the whole city, and the city spans much of the coast on the Bright Bay.

Natural Resources

There are fields outside the wall which produce grain, and sheep and cows as well, there is plenty of fish in the bay, and the ocean just beyond, which has given Cadanval a booming fishing industry. The city of Oredriff, to the west of Cadanval is responsible for the metal working.
Founding Date
400 AR
Alternative Name(s)
The Merchant Capital. City of Commerace.
Large city
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Related Tradition (Primary)
Characters in Location

Articles under Cadanval