The Holy Kingdom of Farengon

The Holy Kingdom of Farengon is the central Kingdom of Illios, ruled by the nine High Priests. This council, the Church Authority, is responsible for not only all of the lands within Farengon, but also for the churches throughout Illios.   The Council is made up of one High Priest per Great Divine, and has no singular ruler. Though the High Priest of Akel, is traditionally the voice for the councils decisions in matters of state.   The High Priest of Akel - Aldo Aura, - Asimar.   The High Priestess of Dizay -Zindi Dela - High Elf   The High Priest of MonKai - Lorenzo Viento - Human   The High Priest of Aimonval - Talus DeLuca - Half Elf   The High Priestess of Kynimar - Alice RavenLofft - Wood elf   The High Priest of Dimo - Damien Marzo - Human   The High Priest of Turok - Asta StoneShaper - Dwarf   The High Priestess of Zim - Rephina Bercan - Gnome   The High Priestess of Gora - Hanath Bright Bearer - Goliath
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories