Kingdom of Slymornia

The Northern Human Kingdom on the continent of Illios, Slymornia was the first kingdom to regroup after StarFall as its King still lived and had organized a defensive position at the military camp of Faroe, the Goldcrest line is one that has reigned for over a millennium.   Slymornia is a proud kingdom, the people of Slymornia fought hard against the armies of Vordakai during the Gods War. While magic is banned to the public now, Slymornia was the home to many storied mages throughout history, In addition to magic, the Gold Banner Bards College is the most famous bard institution on the northern half of the continent, laying claim to many famous artists, poets, singers, and more.   Under the reign of King Bereic Goldcrest, the kingdom of Slymornia has expanded considerably, taking both the Gilded Throat and the Kingdom of Av'Anloch. While these lands now fall under Slymornia, they are not yet united, there are many who must be brought to heel before Slymornia can stand as the largest Empire since Old StormHaven.   Slymornia is about 480 Miles across.


The Patron Gods of Slymornia are AkelDizay, and Dimo      Kynimar Was a Patron God of Slymornia until the Night of Ashes.


  • Slymornia Map
    The map for the Empire of Slymornia. Main Area Map for the Slymornia Rebellion Campaign.
  • Ruxintin City Map
    A simple map of the city of Ruxintin
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories

  • 0 AR

    25 Evening Star

    Era beginning/end

    When Vordakai turn the sky asunder, and unleashed StarFall unto the world, it wrecked havoc on the land at the end of the Gods War, when the Astral Wound was closed leaving behind the Astral Scar, the world was saved and with it, the new Post Starfall Era began.

  • 975 SF

    25 Storm Fall

    King Argin's Assassination
    Life, Death

    King Argin of Slymornia and his family are assassinated on the road by mages, only Argin’s son, Crown Prince Bereic survived the fight.

  • 975 SF

    30 Storm Fall

    Crowning of King Bereic of Slymornia
    Political event

    Bereic crowned King of Slymornia at 19

  • 976 SF

    12 Mid Year
    976 SF

    23 Frost Fall

    The First Slyormnia Unifying War
    Military action

    The Elven King of Av’anloch, Fenkas Silverwood. Surrenders to King Bereic after a 4 month war but is allowed to keep his throne, becoming Warden of the East. Bereic marries Fenkas's cousin, Enlee Silverwood who becomes Queen of Slymornia.

  • 977 SF

    18 Hearthfire

    Birth of the Prince and Princess of Slymornia
    Life, Birth

    King Bereic and Queen Enlee have half elven twins, Prince Esmark and Princess Elanna

  • 978 SF

    10 Second Seed
    978 SF

    8 Mid Year

    The Second Slyormnia Unifying War
    Military action

    After a short, fast, and bloody war. The Dwarven Clans of the Gilded Throat Mountain swear allegiance to King Bereic. The Dwarven noble, Bharkam Stoneheart, now rules as Warden of the West.

  • 978 SF

    15 Fire Light

    Escape of the Dwarven King

    The former king of the Gilded Throat Mountains, Yuldrat “WyvernSlayer” Ironborn, disappeared from his cell soon after the execution of his wife and son.

  • 979 SF

    14 Cold Tide

    Magic Banned in Slymornia
    Political event

    The Mages who killed King Argin are discovered attempting to kill Bereic, Magic not in service of the crown, or church, is outlawed within the Kingdom of Slymornia

  • 980 SF

    15 Fire Light

    The Night of Ashes
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Druid Grove known as Nayla’s Gift is burned down, and the druids are slaughtered after the crown receives evidence the druids were plotting against King Bereic and harbored the Mages who assassinated the former king.

  • 982 SF

    Creation of the Inhibitor Collar
    Technological achievement

    King Bereic's Artificer Core creates the Inhibitor collar, a special collar worn around the neck that prevents someone from using magic.

  • 983 SF

    Existence of the Void
    Construction beginning/end

    The existence of "The Void" becomes known, a special prison built for those with magic.

  • 984 SF

    1 Cold Tide
    985 SF

    5 Evening Star

    Mercer's Rebellion

    the Duke of Cadanval, Mercer Dunwin, declares his rebellion against the king on the final night of the Festival of the Bright