Corellon Character in Imdaril | World Anvil


Corellon is the Elven god of the Arts, Magic, and the Hunt. He makes his home in the Feywild and is fiercely protective of those he calls his own.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Life, Light

Holy Books & Codes

  • The Tales of Corellon - a children's book of fables, telling of Corellon's heroic misadventures, typically with animal companions, most of which convey a moral
    • "Corellon & the Spider" - a traditional retelling of the sundering of the Sylvan Isles through symbolism
    • "The Prismatic Quill" - the tale of how Corellon taught the written word to his followers after slaying a giant bird made of crystal (in some translations, the bird was a legendary roc that taught Corellon to write, and granted him the boon of a feather to take the art back to his people)
    • "Giant Slaying and Other Hobbies" - a silly tale of Corellon tricking a giant into poisoning itself through bad cooking
    • "Corellon & the Spiral Tower" - an unclear story about Corellon's travel up the eponymous "Spiral Tower," a place that scholars still debate as to the meaning of to this day; this fable has no apparent moral

Divine Symbols & Sigils

8-pointed star with North and South points elongated

Tenets of Faith

Respect the traditions, captivate the imagination, and foster the light of creation for all
Followers of Corellon are, above all, concerned with the appreciation and advancement of magic and the arts. The faithful can be found in the highest towers of magical universities and the seediest of taverns -- as brilliance can be found if one only takes the time to search.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The divine goals of Corellon are difficult for any to ascertain, even to those who have spent lifetimes studying his works and deeds. Some speculate he desires revenge against Lolth for tearing the Sylvan Isles apart with her treachery, but others believe he drove her away on purpose, sensing the darkness growing in his people and trusting only his wife to keep it contained in her webs.

Personality Characteristics


Though he has been known to bless those who commit themselves wholly to their art, his touch upon the mortal realm is rare. He has, on occasion, granted his influence upon a single priest or priestess while they are in the rapture of creativity, events which have produced some of the most treasured works of the world. His blessing is fickle, however, and the blessed must be watched closely, lest they wither away. Of all of the Bright Ones, Corellon is perhaps the most elusive, despite most elves feeling a close kinship with him and his Seldarine counterparts. However, more recently, clerics and other devout worshipers of Corellon have been struck more and more often by his Creative Hand.


Contacts & Relations

Former husband of Araushnee, who turned against the Seldarine and became Lolth.

Family Ties

Corellon has several children, including Selûne, the lesser deity of the moon and stars.

Social Aptitude

Quite affable and charming, but also wily and subversive.



Former Spouse (Vital)

Towards Lolth




Former Spouse (Vital)

Towards Corellon



Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
First of the Seldarine, Ruler of All Fey, Protector of Life and Light
Deep green, sparkling
Blond, long, typically braided


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