Dragonborn Species in Immelion | World Anvil
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Born of dragons, as the name proclaims, the Dragonborn rarely walk amongst the world that greets them with feat and horror. Shaped by draconic magics and horrors, the Dragonborn remain in their secret locations for the vast majority of their life, some never traveling in the wider world at all. To see a Dragonborn in the wider world is a great sign indeed, one of joy or terror depending on why they are there.   Dragonborn are incredibly rare, choosing to secret temselves away with their dragon kin, even before the Demon Wars. They live in inaccessible lands of forest, mountains, or caves, they come out rarely. There are plenty of fables about them and different races have different stories: Dwarves see them as a boogeyman from fables, they will come in the night to pillage your mines. Elves see them as the great wise masters of yesteryear, who might teach you a thing or two if they are in the mood. Gnomes fear them for their destructive power, but claim to have been taught their technological and forging techniques by them centuries ago.   Though they have different roles to the different races, one thing is for sure. Very few people have ever actually seen a Dragonborn in the past several hundred years.


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