Gnomes Species in Immelion | World Anvil
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A constant hum of activity pervades the cities where gnomes live. Louder sounds punctuate the constant hum: grinding gears here, a minor explosion there, steam jetting off somewhere, and especially the cackle of delighted laughter. Gnomes find joy in life, loving every moment of invention, exploration, investigation, creation, and play.

Differences from 5e or 3.5.

  Gnomes are trade and technology masters. The species has not entirely abandoned the "slow life" as they might call it, of agriculture and subsistence, but they have largely moved beyond it. Long ago the Gnomes made a pact with a Migvor Orcs as hired mercenaries. This pact has lasted a long time, and has brought great prosperity to the Gnomes of the cities. They have begun to use the concepts of steam-based technology to conquer the landscape and rumor has it, there are plans to make a floating city that can move throughout the rivers of trade itself!
  Gnomes are a generally wealthy group, that have a knack for invention and technology, though are loath to share that technology if they do not have to.

Basic Information


Gnomes average just over 3 feet, and weight about 40 to 50 pounds.


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