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Kinsfire Festival

A massive biennial festival celebrating the great Clangeddin Silverbeard  and a large battle the Dwarves won long ago. This festival involves a massive tournament between the great houses of Affgroth to determine the true champion within each house, an auspicious title, and the great warrior themselves. The Great Warrior is whoever wins the duel between the housess, and that house is said to be in control of the council for the next two years until the festival again. The Proudstone Clan has won for 12 of the last 15 festivals. On the fifth day, those who have been trained and selected from each clan must battle between themselves in a tournament to determine the champion of each house. Then on the seventh day those champions are battled against eachother to determine the Great Warrior.   There are copious amounts of drinking, eating, drinking, fighting, drinking, training, and drinking throughout the week of the festival. It is said that this is the time to pay back (be it kindness with kindness or strife with strife), and to seek valor. Throughout the festival many dwarves, but especially those of the Proudstone Clan, are encouraged to give homage to Clangeddin Silverbeard. By the second and third day of the festival, Central-City is decorated with red andd white banners, and signes of the double axe favored by Silverbeard. Each of the other boroughs has a season associated with it: Artisan Alley being winter, The Guild-Grounds being spring, The Mine-Halls being summer, and Half-town, of course, being Autumn. Through the first portions of the week anyone training to be a champion will wear the colors of their borough, or of a borough they are fighting for, and the borough who wins gets bragging rights, and their alderman has a bit more sway with the Affgrothian Council, though entirely unofficially. It is an open secret that the more wealthy borough will try to woo champions with money.   While the festival officially has religious routes, those dwarves who ddo not profess faith in Silverbeard still participate, though not in the reverent portions. This has led to a commercialization in Central-city, with everything from clearance sales, to outsider visitors come to sell wares to a ddrunken populace, to oracles to "help" you pay back who needs paying back (or offer advice for the coming years), to even worship of other deities through the week.


This is a festival celebrating a great battle won by Clangeddin Silverbeard. It was started hundred of years ago, and to the dwarves of Affgroth it has been going since time-immemorial.


There are two days set in stone. On the fifth day of the festival, each clan has a brief tournament heled in The Arena to determine each clan's champion. Then on the seventh and final day of the festival there is a great tournament in The Arena to determine the Great Warrior for the next two years.


This is every two years to commemorate when the battle took place, though no one knows for sure.
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