Pond Mother's Blessing Report in Immelion | World Anvil
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Pond Mother's Blessing

General Summary

The crew landed at the Grippli trading post which had been repurposed into a refugee camp for displaced grippli people. After Richard kindly bought some clay bead jewelry from a grippli woman for entirely too much gold, the group decided to talk to the Pond Mother. She spoke of a group of friendly Yuanti who arrived in the area over a month ago, claiming to be followers of a benevolent deity they called the Scaled Mother. These yuanti expressed interest in excavating and restoring the previous site of the Old Grippli Village, a mile from its present location. Pond Mother saw no reason to refuse them, since their motives were seemingly innocent. But then, two tendays afterward, another group of yuanti came on the scene. These yuanti attacked the village, killed any frogfolk who tried to resist, and captured the grippli who weren't able to escape. Pond Mother rounded up the rest of her people and set up the camp at the trading post. The group assured Pond Mother they would help however they could and the group spent the night caring for the grippli in their own ways, repaid by a few special trinkets. Then, the group took off toward the grippli village where Mitor Jans dropped them at the giant crab traps bordering the village. The group immediately stirred up all the waters, invoking the hungry ire of several giant crabs and two chuul. A water genasi rogue showed up toward the end of the battle to lend his help, mostly failing.
Report Date
19 Feb 2023


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