Scaled Mother Character in Immelion | World Anvil
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Scaled Mother

Worshiped by the Lizard-folk, she was killed during theDemon Wars after the Sacking of Miklau. She had so much hatred and anger for Asmodeus because he was the puppeteer behind Malakar and his killing of her lizard-folk. She went to confront her sister, but instead met Asmodeus. Knowing he was the puppeteer behind the attack, she lost control, and was easily dispatched by him. He then forced She-Guai, to kill her with a knife.   Because the Scaled Mother was dead, her lizard-folk on Immelion were unable to have any of their prayers answered, and where at the whims of the pantheon of other gods. Some took pity on them as an orphaned race, and gave them gifts here an there, others saw them as easy targets with no guardian in the deity realm anymore, and took no matter with them. After her death, racism against her species grew, and some gods of the greater races, saw them less as a race of lesser people, but rather as the remnants of an ill conceived experimental version of the Yuanti, and cared not for them or their suffering.   She also co-created a race of frog-people known as the Grippli with her sister She-Guai. After her death, and She-Guai's transformation, the Grippli were abandoned by the other deities, and even their own mother, She-Guai.


Family Ties

Sister of She-Guai.
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Asmodeus in a duel.


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