Asmodeus Character in Immelion | World Anvil
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Just a real dick.   He is a Greater God that created many races and Lesser Gods. Malakar acts as his Captain on Immelion, but Asmodeus himself interacts with all of the realms he has helped sing into existence. He acts as an agent of Chaos, and sows its seeds as frequently and vastly as possible.    In the year 3012 1E, She-Guai came to him offering a deal. Her sister, the Scaled Mother, had killed her favorite Yuanti, her demi-god son from her marriage with a mortal. She wanted payback. She didn't want to kill her sister, but as her sister had no son of her own, she wanted to wipe the Lizard-Folks off the map.   Asmodeus was all too happy to offer her a deal. He saw the opportunity to enslave another deity, and instantly jumped upon it. In exchange for her servitude and alignment, Asmodeus would provide her the means and ability to destroy the Lizard-Folk. He sent his best captain, Malakar, to train and command the Yuanti warriors on this hunt. But, Asmodeus knew that Malakar and the Yuanti would not be able to destroy all of the Lizard-folk, so their deal would never become fulfilled, and thus he had a perpetual deity as a servant in She-Guai.   For five years this was kept secret, until the 20th day of the ninth month of the year 3017 1E, when Malakar attacked Miklau in the Sacking of Miklau, thus starting the Lizard-folk Genocide. Days later the Scaled Mother went to confront her sister, and smooth things over before anyone made any rash decisions, but was instead confronted with Asmodeus. Knowing he held the chain on which Malakar pulled, she attacked him in a fit of rage and was easily dispatched, but kept alive for a few moments more.   Asmodeus went and collected She-Guai, and forced her to deal the killing blow to her own sister, plunging a knife into her chest.
Character Location
Divine Classification
Greater God


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