Tieflings Species in Immelion | World Anvil
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To be greeted with stares and whispers, to suffer violence and insult on the street, to see mistrust and fear in every eye; this is the lot of a Tiefling. And to twist the knife, Tieflings know that this is because of a pact struck generations ago. Their appearance and their nature are not their fault, but rather the result of Asmodeus infecting them through an ancient sin of their forefathers. Yet they, their children, and their children's children are held accountable.  

What's new?

  Tiefling lore claims that many hundreds of generations ago, Asmodeus offered their forefathers land, power, and riches in exchange for fighting with him during the Demon Wars. Unbeknownst to them, they were deceived, and the pact they swore in an ancient tongue allowed Asmodeus to taint the very soul of their forefathers bringing this abomination into the world.   For the past thousand years, ever since the day known as "the Great Defeat" among the Tieflings, they have been pushed back to the outer edges of society, spat upon in the streets if they are even allowed inside the city, and forced to cower amongst themselves for the foreseeable future.

Basic Information


Looking vaguely Human, they have horns that take a variety of shapes and sizes on their heads, thick tails 4-5 feet long, carnivorous teeth, and solidly colored eyes ranging from black to silver. Their skin tones cover the full spectrum of human, but also include reds, purples, dark blues, and some even deep blacks.


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