Date, Time, and Calendar

In the present era, a single calendar is used across the settled human and dwarven regions, having originated in Rhul before being widely adopted by Morrowan and Menite faiths throughout the Iron Kingdoms. Ios maintains a different calendar, but any Iosan who spends time outside that nation’s borders learns to use the commonly employed one.

Although the names of the months are different among different cultures, the names of the Morrowan months are the most common throughout the Iron Kingdoms. The standard calendar consists of thirteen months, each broken into four weeks of seven days. As a result, every month has 28 days, and every year has 364 days and 52 weeks. A slight astronomical flaw in the calendar requires a periodic adjustment every three years, which is addressed by adding an extra unmarked day after the last day of the year and before the first day of the next, which also corresponds to the winter solstice. In human lands, this day is usually called the Longest Night.

The months of the year and their Morrowan names are presented below in chronological order, starting with the first month of the year. The Menite and Rhulic names, respectively, are provided in the description.


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