The group of immortals find themselves togehter again in the city of Orleans; unfortunatley, it is while the city is under seige.
After almost a century since the death of lady Thition, and the long night that happened, Nilus and his traveling Companion Jeufroi find themselves in Orleans, right before it comes under attack by the english.
NIlus with all his bravado a military skill, quickly gains notice and renown amongst the soldiers in Orleans, and becomes and advisor to Jean De Denois, the commander of Orleans.
After months of being under English attack and artillery fire, The french capture an english spy, and After keeping him in jail for a month, gather Nilus to interrogate him.
Upon reaching the chamber and jail, Nilus recognized the so called spy as Raghnall, who was visiting Orleans for his work with the Dia Fotizo and was mistakenly identified for a spy due to his appearence and accent.
The two caught up and exchanged information before traveling out with Jean to have a parley with the new English Commander William, the earl of suffolk.
Meanwhile, Soren, with Toussine, was traveling with Jehanne la Pucelle to meet with a volunteer releif army to bring supplies to the city of Orleans. Trying to convice Jehanne not to attack the superior force head on, and instead focus on getting the supplies to the city.
Sadly, Jehanne did not heed Soren's counsel, but trusted God, who she claims to be guiding her. She took the army of 500 volunteer soldiers and started to march the english encampment of near 3000 while the New leader was at a parley.