Aurelia de Medici

Lady Aurelia Sophia Medici

Features: Aurelia is a tall and slender woman with raven-black hair that cascades down her back in thick waves. Her eyes are a piercing green, and her skin is a warm golden hue. She has a regal bearing and an air of confidence that draws people to her. Birthplace and date: Aurelia was born in 1565 in Florence, the daughter of a wealthy Medici merchant and a Gryffite mother.   Deathplace and date: Aurelia died in 1630 in the city of Venice, at the age of 65.   Occupations: Aurelia was a successful businesswoman, owning a trading company named "De Medici Trading Co." that specialized in importing exotic goods from Asia and Africa. She also served as an advisor to several prominent Gryffite monarchs in the Empire of Promania.   Achievements: Aurelia was known for her astute business sense and her ability to negotiate favorable deals with foreign merchants. She was also a skilled diplomat, using her connections and influence to help prevent wars and resolve conflicts between rival states within the Empire of Promania. Additionally, she was a staunch advocate for Gryffite rights and worked tirelessly to promote and expand the religion throughout Promania.   Military service: Aurelia did not serve in the military.   Overall, Aurelia de Medici is a remarkable woman who left a lasting legacy in the Empire of Promania. Her intelligence, business acumen, and influence made her a formidable force in both the economic and political spheres of the Empire, and her dedication to Gryffite principles helped to shape the culture and society of Promania for generations to come.   Features: Aurelia is a tall and slender woman with raven-black hair that cascades down her back in thick waves. Her eyes are a piercing green, and her skin is a warm golden hue. She has a regal bearing and an air of confidence that draws people to her. June 10, 2023   Parents: Aurelia's father, Francesco de Medici, was a wealthy merchant and member of the powerful Medici banking family. Her mother, Isabella Russo, was a Gryffite noblewoman.   Siblings: Aurelia had one younger brother, Giovanni de Medici, born in 1572.   Religious affiliation: Aurelia was a devout Gryffite throughout her life.   Full name: Aurelia Sophia de Medici   Titles: Aurelia held the title of "Lady" in the Empire of Promania due to her family's wealth and influence. She was also bestowed with the honorific "Most Honored Advisor to the Crown" by several Gryffite monarchs she advised.   Spouse: Aurelia never married nor had any known romantic relationships, claiming that her focus was on her business and the promotion of Gryffism.   Aurelia was the daughter of Francesco de Medici and Isabella Russo. She had one younger brother, Giovanni de Medici.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

There is no record of Aurelia experiencing any significant physical conditions.

Body Features

Aurelia was tall and slender, with a regal bearing and a warm golden complexion. She had piercing green eyes and thick, raven-black hair.

Facial Features

Aurelia had high cheekbones and a sharp, defined jawline. Her features were symmetrical and elegant.

Identifying Characteristics

Aurelia had a distinctive mole above her left eyebrow.

Physical quirks

Aurelia had a habit of drumming her fingers on tables when she was deep in thought.

Special abilities

Aurelia traveled with a special quill pen that she used to sign important documents.

Apparel & Accessories

Aurelia was known for her extravagant jewelry, often wearing necklaces, bracelets, and earrings adorned with rare and precious gems.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aurelia was raised in luxury and privilege as the daughter of a wealthy Medici merchant. She showed an early aptitude for business and sought to expand her family's trading empire by importing rare and exotic goods from Asia and Africa. As she grew older, Aurelia became more involved in the politics and diplomacy of the Empire of Promania, using her connections and influence to help prevent wars and promote Gryffite principles.


Aurelia received a formal education in literature, languages, and accounting from private tutors and prestigious Gryffite academies in Florence.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Aurelia's primary employment was as the owner and operator of the "De Medici Trading Co." She also served as a trusted advisor to several Gryffite monarchs in the Empire of Promania.

Failures & Embarrassments

Aurelia was known to be somewhat aloof and dismissive of those she felt were beneath her, which earned her some detractors in the court. She also experienced some setbacks in her business dealings, particularly with a failed investment in a spice plantation in India.

Mental Trauma

There is no record of Aurelia experiencing any significant mental trauma during her lifetime.

Intellectual Characteristics

Aurelia was highly intelligent and had a keen understanding of economics, politics, and diplomacy. She also had a sharp wit and a keen eye for detail.

Morality & Philosophy

Aurelia was a devout Gryffite and held strong beliefs in the principles of justice, equality, and compassion.

Personality Characteristics


Aurelia was driven by a desire for wealth, power, and influence, as well as a deep commitment to Gryffite principles.

Likes & Dislikes

Aurelia enjoyed rare wines, fine art, and exotic spices. She disliked incompetence, weakness, and dishonesty.

Virtues & Personality perks

Aurelia was intelligent, shrewd, and fiercely independent. She was also a staunch advocate for Gryffite rights and principles.

Vices & Personality flaws

Aurelia was known to be prideful and dismissive of those she felt were beneath her. She could also be ruthless in business dealings and was not above using underhanded tactics to gain an advantage.


Aurelia was fastidious about her personal hygiene, taking regular baths and wearing only the finest perfumes and oils.



Aurelia did not hold any official position of authority in the Empire of Promania but was a trusted advisor to several Gryffite monarchs.

Contacts & Relations

Aurelia was a skilled businesswoman and diplomat but was sometimes inept in her personal relationships.

Family Ties

Aurelia had close relationships with several prominent Gryffite monarchs in the Empire of Promania, including Queen Isabella I of Castella and King Leifrik VIII of Norway. She also had a trusted circle of advisors and business associates.

Religious Views

Aurelia was a devout Gryffite and held strong beliefs in the principles of justice, equality, and compassion.

Social Aptitude

Aurelia was highly skilled in social situations and was often the center of attention in social gatherings and court events.


Aurelia had a habit of tilting her head to the side when she was listening intently to someone.

Hobbies & Pets

Aurelia enjoyed collecting rare books and fine art, as well as attending Gryffite religious ceremonies.
Aurelia owned a small white terrier named Othello.


Aurelia was known to give powerful and inspiring speeches on the principles of Gryffism and the importance of trade and diplomacy in building a prosperous and peaceful Empire.


Aurelia de Medici


Towards Giovanni de Medici


Giovanni de Medici


Towards Aurelia de Medici


Wealth & Financial state

Wealth: Aurelia was extremely wealthy, with a vast empire of trading ships and warehouses throughout the Empire of Promania.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
List of titles: Lady, Most Honored Advisor to the Crown
Giovanni de Medici (Brother)
Current Residence
Venice, Venice, Promania
Piercing Green eyes
raven black hair that cascades down her back in thick waves
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
skin is a warm golden hue
Quotes & Catchphrases
Famous quotes/catchphrases: "In business and in life, one must always be ten steps ahead of the game."
Known Languages
Languages: Aurelia was fluent in Italian, French, Latin, Greek, and Arabic.


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