Elsbeth von Eisenhard

Esdbeth Aurora Eisenhard

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Elsbeth suffered from occasional back pain due to her fencing injuries.

Body Features

Elsbeth was slim and fit. She had curly, auburn hair that fell to her mid-back, piercing blue eyes, and fair skin. She had a scar above her left eyebrow from a fencing accident.

Facial Features

Elsbeth had a heart-shaped face with high cheekbones and a prominent jawline. She had full lips and a straight nose.

Identifying Characteristics

Elsbeth's scar above her left eyebrow was a distinguishing characteristic.

Physical quirks

Elsbeth had a habit of tapping her fingers when she was deep in thought.

Apparel & Accessories

Elsbeth often wore her fencing gear when training or competing. She also had a collection of hairpins and brooches that she wore with her outfits.

Specialized Equipment

Elsbeth owned a custom-made fencing foil that she used in competitions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elsbeth was born into a wealthy family in Berlin and was raised with a love for learning and the arts. Her parents encouraged her to pursue her passions, and she began fencing at a young age. She quickly excelled in the sport, and at age 17, she won her first championship title.

Her love for literature also led her to open her own bookshop in Berlin, which became very successful. She traded rare books and manuscripts with collectors from all over Europe, and even had a few run-ins with the law over her dealings with some illicit items.

Elsbeth married a fellow Gryffite, Heinrich Schmidt, at the age of 25, and they had two children. However, their marriage was not a happy one, and they divorced ten years later. Elsbeth never remarried and focused instead on her fencing and her business.


Elsbeth was heterosexual.


Elsbeth was homeschooled until the age of 11 when she was sent to a private boarding school in Dresden. She later attended the University of Berlin, where she studied literature and fencing.


Elsbeth owned and operated Eisenhard’s Bibliothek in Berlin, specializing in rare and exotic books. She also served as the captain of the Promanian army for two years during the Second War of the Northern States.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Elsbeth was a highly skilled fencer and won the title of Promanian Fencing Champion for three consecutive years. She also developed a new fencing technique called "The Eisenhard Maneuver," which is still used today. Elsbeth's discovery of the Eisenhard Owl was also a significant scientific achievement.

Failures & Embarrassments

Elsbeth's marriage to Heinrich Schmidt was not a happy one, and their divorce left her feeling a sense of failure.

Mental Trauma

Elsbeth suffered from depression and anxiety, especially after her divorce. She sought therapy and support from her Gryffite community to help her through these difficult times.

Intellectual Characteristics

Elsbeth was highly intelligent and had a love for learning and literature. She was also a skilled tactician and strategist, attributes that helped her succeed in both fencing and military leadership.

Morality & Philosophy

Elsbeth believed in the importance of honor, hard work, and justice. She was a Gryffite and believed in the tenets of their faith, including the belief in a just and merciful God.

Personality Characteristics


Elsbeth was motivated by a desire to succeed in both her business and her fencing career. She also wanted to raise her children to be successful and happy.

Likes & Dislikes

Elsbeth enjoyed fencing, literature, and spending time with her family. She disliked injustice, dishonesty, and incompetence.

Virtues & Personality perks

Elsbeth was a hard worker, loyal friend, and skilled fencer. She was also generous with her time and resources, often donating to Gryffite charities and causes.

Vices & Personality flaws

Elsbeth could be stubborn at times and had a tendency to hold grudges. She also struggled with self-doubt and anxiety.


Elsbeth was meticulous about her hygiene and took regular baths. She also enjoyed wearing perfume and had a collection of fragrances.


Contacts & Relations

Elsbeth had many friends in the Gryffite community and was respected within the fencing and literary worlds. She also had a few connections to the criminal underworld due to her dealings in rare and exotic books.

Family Ties

Elsbeth had two children, a daughter named Sophia and a son named Ernst. Her parents were Johann and Helga von Eisenhard.

Religious Views

Elsbeth was a devout Gryffite and was active in her temple.

Social Aptitude

Elsbeth was well-liked and respected within the Gryffite community. She was also popular among the wealthy patrons of her bookshop and the fencing world.


Elsbeth had a habit of tapping her fingers when she was deep in thought.

Hobbies & Pets

Elsbeth enjoyed reading, fencing, and bird-watching. Elsbeth had a cat named Whiskers.


Speeches: Elsbeth gave a few speeches over the course of her life, usually on fencing or literature. One of her most famous speeches was a eulogy she gave for a fellow Gryffite who had been killed in battle.


Elsbeth von Eisenhard

Wife (Trivial)

Towards Heinrich Schmidt



Heinrich Schmidt

Husband (Trivial)

Towards Elsbeth von Eisenhard




Elsbeth married a fellow Gryffite, Heinrich Schmidt, at the age of 25, and they had two children. However, their marriage was not a happy one, and they divorced ten years later. Elsbeth never remarried and focused instead on her fencing and her business.

Elsbeth and Heinrich had two children, a daughter named Sophia and a son named Ernst. Sophia was born in Berlin in 1595, while Ernst was born in Munich in 1598.

Sophia and Ernst struggled with their parents' unhappy marriage and eventual divorce. Sophia, being the eldest, was more aware of the tension in their household and often acted as a mediator between her parents. Ernst, on the other hand, was more withdrawn and struggled to express his emotions.

After the divorce, Sophia tried to maintain a relationship with both of her parents, but it was difficult due to their conflicting schedules and tension between them. Ernst, however, distanced himself from Elsbeth and remained closer to Heinrich.

Despite the challenges, both Sophia and Ernst were successful in their own right. Sophia became a prominent Gryffite priestess and scholar, while Ernst became a renowned mathematician. They both stayed in touch with each other and their parents, but the divorce did leave a lasting effect on their family dynamic.

Legal Status


Wealth & Financial state

Elsbeth was wealthy from her bookshop and fencing winnings.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Lidtha 15, 1567
Date of Death
Maia 28, 1634
1567 1634 67 years old
Circumstances of Death
heart attack
Berlin, Pomerania, Promania
Place of Death
Vienna, Austria, Promania
Heinrich Schmidt (Husband)
Current Residence
piercing blue eyes
auburn hair that falls to her mid-back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
fair skin
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In fencing, as in life, you must be quick on your feet and react to the unexpected."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Elsbeth was fluent in German, French, and Latin.


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