Port Bonavera is the main
Imperial Navy station in the galactic southern portion of the
Concordia Sub-Sector . It was hosting the Fleet Secundus of
Battle Fleet Euphorian before the opening of the Great Rift and the fleets commitment to the opening battle at
Pelone .
The port itself is a floating
hive in space, hosting a variety of services for the Imperial Navy crewman, Officer or Imperial Guardsmen as they pass through. Its main feature is a large internal drydock capable of hosting up to a Grand Cruiser class ship. Due to this it makes a vital strategic asset for both the Imperium and the forces of Chaos looking to get a staging ground for further attacks into the sub-sector.
Pelone fell to Chaos and the Great Rift expanded deeper into the sub-sector, Port Bonavera has seen itself swamped with refugee ships as well as the damaged elements of Fleet Secundus that were able to limp back for repairs. Crime on the station has increased dramatically due to the influx of unsavory elements, and the
Adeptus Arbites that were scarce enough, have seen themselves overwhelmed.
Headquarters Section
Found at the top of the station, this is where the elite of the Imperial Fleet come to rub shoulders. This section boasts whole spires dedicated to command and control, astropathic choirs and Admiralty offices for the southern sub-sector. The main Arbites office can also be found here, well away from the common filth they are responsible for overseeing.
Entertainment District
Located below the Headquarters section, this is where all ranks of the Guard, Fleet and passing Traders can find some well deserved rest and relaxation under the watchful eyes of Military Police. Full of bars, gambling dens, brothels catering to every legal desire and budget, and several highly praised restaurants, the unwary visiting military personnel will often leave this area with their pockets much lighter than when they went in. Fights and drunken debauchery are common and often broken up by the Imperial Navy arms men and Guard Commissars sometimes with severe results.
The most internal of the areas on the base and well protected by the surrounding districts and armor plating, it is capable of hosting up to 50 ships of Grand Cruiser size when running at full capacity. The Mechanicus hold power over this area, and the tech-priests and engin-seers do not take kindly to those that intrude beyond the proscribed gangways and loading areas that lead to the main station.
Cargo Bays
Located around the main dry dock, the bays are capable of holding millions of tonnes of material for the warfronts as well as supplies for the station itself. Interspersed throughout are large water tanks that keep everything well supplied and hydrated with fresh water.
Hab Towers
Located between the cargo areas and entertainment district are the Habs. Massive towers capable of housing entire regiments of
Astra Militarum ensuring they stay out of way of Navy and Mechanicus personnel as they service the massive starships. These areas have largely become slums due to the influx of refugees and the inability of Arbites officers to keep up with the gangs that have infiltrated the areas.
Outer Docks
The outer ring of the station is covered with docks and berths that can hold up to battleship size ships. Combined with the interior dry dock, Port Bonavera can service the entirety of Fleet Secundus at the same time. The outer docks are the most exposed to the void and would provide little direct protection in the event of an attack.
Power Core
The main core of the port which every other sector is built around. Massive power cores run by the Mechanicus output enough power to run an entire continent of hives. Extremely well protected by security systems and battleship levels of armor plating, penetrating to this area without the proper security clearance is nigh impossible.