Garth Steel-Blade Character in In Search of Dragons | World Anvil

Garth Steel-Blade

Garth is an up-and-coming Knight in the Legion of Steel. Though he has only been a knight just shy of ten years, his exemplary skill in battle strategy and natural leadership has put him on a quick-track to be the youngest ever Knight Centurion.   Garth's only competition is Bing IronBlade, a grizzled veteran of the War of the Lance. Garth respects Bing, but believes his time has come and gone. Garth has tried to convince Bing, privately, to settle down and enjoy the benefits of the Aged Adventurers Retired Persons, while the younger generation forges a new and progressive path. And besides, Bing has trouble mounting his war-steed due to old injuries from the War.   Bing did not take kindly to these remarks and spit at Garth's feet, then limped away while muttering under his breath.


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