Lor-Tai Settlement in In Search of Dragons | World Anvil


Lor-Tai is a small village on the eastern shore of Kalaman Bay, north of Fair Meadows.   At present time, the village is occupied by a strange and secluded sect led by their elder, Embert. The tribesman worshipped a nearby bronze dragon that they named Moonscale, and studied the Sun and Moon orbits.   Upon tribesman orders, the people wore heavy black robes that were stifling in the summer heat, leading some to collapse from heat stroke, and would purposefully attempt to spoil milk, for reasons having to do with the Gods and moons that only made sense to them, even after considerable exposition on the matter. Additionally, the people had developed an alien dialect that made it difficult for outsiders to understand and difficult for the tribesman to pronounce even the simplified phonetics of the Common tounge. For these reasons, other locals in the area considered them a cult and generally stayed away.   It was noticed by the cultists that the high sanction moons' luminosity oscillated throughout the night and, interestingly, that the average brightness had been dimming over time.
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