Mayor Roondar Character in In Search of Dragons | World Anvil

Mayor Roondar

Mayor Roondar was the leader of the gnomes of Bellaria.   The mayor safeguarded the secret of the comfortable and spatious underground dwellings and lush surface community garden of the gnomish community, hidden from the bigoted Bellarian humans with tight lips and illusion spells. Under his leadership, the gnomes kept a low profile while playing the part of low cost, inept tinkerers, offering their pots and pans and repair services out of store fronts made haphazardly from discared timber scraps, to those unfortunate humans in Bellaria whose financial troubles offered them no where else to go.   However, the gnomes were actually highly skilled craftsman, engineers, and alchemists; selling their real wares only to other gnomes in the surrounding region.
Current Status
Active Mayor of Gnometown, Bellaria
Current Location


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