Bellaria Settlement in In Search of Dragons | World Anvil


Bellaria is a bustling town located in the central portion of the North Estwilde.   Bellaria, despite its contigent of elves and gnomes and its large population size relative to its rural surroundings, still is known for its bigotry towards anyone non-human, especially elves and gnomes, both suffering the barbs, insults, and taunts of the townspeople.   The municipal zoning laws have forced gnomes into a large, ill-maintained ghetto near the town center. The ghetto streets are filled with grime and mud and off-cast timber planks. The houses are derilict and made from whatever building material that could be scrounged.
Surrounding the perimeter of the ghetto is an aged brown stone wall, covered in with weeds and thorns,, that is slowly being built taller and sturdier by the townspeople, in an effort to put the gnomes out-of-sight and out-of-mind.   However, unbenowst to the humans of the town, the crafty gnomes have carved out a sub-terranean city block, where they have pleasant homes and bustling taverns. The grotto center is enveloped in a mass illusion spell, to make the ground appear full of dirt, grime, and discarded timber; but in reality a large communal garden thrives, growing all the vegetables gnomes love to eat, such as bitter tubers, mushrooms, beans, and peas. The gardens are fertilized and watered by an ingenious gnome-crafted machine, that sprays a film of water and nutrients over the garden beds late at night.
  Additionally, the gnomes have perfected a process to create a healing potion from water and finely ground dried good-berries. These methods and products are kept secret, allowing their guile to serve only their own. The shopfronts available to humans sell only drab wares, such as cheap soup kettles whose handle gets hot to the touch and little girl dresses made of canvas cloth.
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