Rubic's Quest Report in In Search of Dragons | World Anvil

Rubic's Quest

General Summary

The three of us met on the road and were to meet with Rubic at an inn in Kalaman. Ti'ock, a Qualinesti Elf, who has recently left the Elven army to adventure on his own and seems to have good scouting abilities; Mirra, a Human, who seems strong enough to smash a few heads, and myself K'Taa, Human, a lone Druid, riding my Bison companion Red Dog.   It started to rain and the other two wanted to stop at an inn called The Last Chance rather than sleeping in the peaceful forest for the night. Note to self, most humans, elves, etc., don’t like to get wet by the rain, but like to have a tub filled with water and sit in it. And they like to get another tub, filled with different water, to wash their clothing. Seems like a huge waste of time, I don’t know if I will ever understand them. Naturally we had to check our weapons at the door. I’m assuming that is because they don’t want humans to die inside.   Why do we have to all meet in a town full of Humans? They are nauseating individuals who only think of themselves most of the time as evidenced in the Inn. As the three of us were peacefully eating our noon meal, 4 brothers who were on leave from the army could not, or maybe didn’t want to, control one of the younger brothers, who decided to pick on the Lady who was serving food and drinks to everyone.   It eventually grew to causing her to fall on the soldier who was grabbing her and spill one of the drinks on Ti’ock’s backside. Ti'ock then went to the bar where we checked our weapons to ensure that the 4 brothers could not get to their weapons.   Mirra, I’m sure feeling like she had to defend the Lady, jumped up and began pummeling the brother that caused her to fall. There goes my peaceful meal. After we knocked one of the brothers down, the Inn Keeper settled the situation and told the brothers to leave. At least we got our meal refilled and we got to stay in the bunk rooms for free. The bread is so good here, I haven’t had bread in years and had forgotten the taste.   Rubic, the one we came to meet, eventually entered the inn, and gave us directions and the location of where the village of Fair Meadows was located on a map. Rubic asked us to meet with the Mayor of Fair Meadows, someone named Mayor Fromm.   Mirra decided that she would like to ride a horse to Kalaman instead of walking but Ti'ock was as fast as Red Dog’s pace, or faster, on foot, so he chose to walk. It will take almost 2 days to reach Fair Meadows, so we set off immediately from Kalaman.   In passing through some rocky terrain, we notice some wild hunting Folstza cats in the area. As we rode a little farther, we heard a fight ensuing between two people. I dismounted and walked to where the fight was occurring. The predator, possibly a Yerig, ran off as I was approaching and I heard whining coming from what I believed was the injured Folstza cat. When I bent down to heal her, I realized that she was dead, but died defending her child which is where the whining was coming from. I was too late to save the mother, and I couldn’t just leave the child to die, so I picked her up and carried her back to put her in my saddle bags. I gave her a small amount of meat to chew on because I didn’t have any milk to give her. I shall call her Lady, and pledge to serve as her guardian until she can care for herself.   Later in the trip we encountered a Behir slithering through the grass. Unfortunately, it approached us for some reason. I am assuming it was just defending its territory and decided that we were a threat and attacked. Ti'ock and Mirra started shooting arrows at it. I decided to use my lance while on my bison.   In the battle the Behir grappled Ti'ock and swallowed him whole. Nothing to do now but kill it and cut him out before he’s crushed and digested. We eventually killed the Behir, Ti’ock was able to cut himself out and we survived the fight. I used my healing belt to help the injured Elf, but only aided him slightly. There was also a 300 steel piece ruby in the Behir’s stomach that we recovered and decided to sell and split between the three of us when we reached Fair Meadows.   As we traveled on, Ti'ock noticed a band of what appeared to be pale blue dwarves. They immediately began to attack. Why is everything so aggressive away from my homeland? The leader immediately created a cloud surrounding us that caused Mirra and myself to become nauseated. But to our good graces it did not affect Ti’ock. He was able to draw the attention of the lead dwarf to him and away from Mirra and myself so we could recover. The female leader then cast a couple of more spells at Ti’ock which did not affect him either, he laughed off the attempts to incapacitate him as she grew frustrated. A couple of dwarves attacked me, but with the help of my bison, I was able to evade their attacks. Mirra on the other hand, not having a trained horse, dismounted and began engaging one of the dwarves. I was able to eventually assist her and bring one of the blue dwarves down to unconsciousness.   Since Ti'ock was able to injure a couple of the leader’s defenders and she was unable to affect him with her spells and Mirra and myself having recovered from the gaseous cloud and taken down one of her defenders, I’m sure that she felt that she was outmatched. At that point she drew forth a metal orb, began twisting it, and her group vanished except for the one that Mirra and I took down.   Just before they vanished though, Ti'ock was able to hit one of the blue dwarfs that pushed him into their leader and caused her to drop the orb just as they disappeared. Ti’ock was able to witness this and recovered the orb. Mirra, I’m sure feeling frustrated, struck the blue dwarf twice while he was on the ground, unconscious. I asked her to stop and tied him up to see if we could question him and get any information about who they were, why they were here, and why they attacked us.   Unfortunately, he was not able to communicate with us, so we stripped him of his weapons and armor, a small number of unknown coins, and released him without any further damage. I will let nature take its course with it. When we get to town, we will have to inquire what type of beings these were. As night was falling, Ti’ock noticed some lights in the distance. I wanted to stay the night out of town, in the peaceful countryside, but the others wanted to spend the night in town. Haven’t they learned that bad things happen when Humans are gathered together? Have they already forgotten what happened in the last inn that we were at? Since I was out voted, again, we continued into town and the mayor, who is also the owner of an Inn in town, put us up for the night.   At least while in town I am able to get some milk for Lady. I’m sure it will be one of the very few things that I will enjoy about being in town. That and more bread.


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