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Episode 3: The Calm Before the Storm

General Summary

Preparing for War

As the company approaches the Crossings of Celduin, even from a distance they can make out its narrow stone bridge arching across the river. Somewhat unexpectedly, they see a town sitting on its northern bank, with houses clustered around a fortified tollgate built at the end of the bridge.   As the fellowship trudge through the driving rain to the only Inn in the small town, The Inn at the Crossings, they notice a large, elaborately appointed house on the main street and some rowing boats tied to the jetties. After a good simple meal of lamb stew, washed down with a small beer, the company enquire as to who is in charge of the town and the tavern owner Tobias directs them to Erik at the Master's House.   Despite the late hour, the company walk to the headman's house and rap on the door. a young woman who introduces herself as Eydis answers the door, and is reluctant to wake her grandfather Erik until a compelling case is made. Erik meets the crew in his office and seems initially grumpy and disinterested in the tales of orc armies from the south.  
"So? I am no vassal of Dale. If whoever leads this army is willing to pay the toll, why should I deny them the use of the bridge?"
  Erik is finally persuaded by Monin, animosity for orc-kind gleaming in his dwarven eyes, an intimidating tale of typical orc treatment of captives during the Battle of the Five Armies on his lips, and an upended sack of orc heads deposited on his desk! The old fellow's granddaughter screams as she witnesses the grisly sight and drops a tray of refreshments.   Erik asks for stronger fare and plans are laid over a few nips of apple brandy as the fellowship plan well into the night. Monin is deputised as war-leader, with authority to commandeer able-bodied adults in the town and Erik writes directives for an evacuation. Monin immediately orders that the few houses on the south side of the river are evacuated and set afire, along with all the trees on the riverbank, in order to minimize any cover from arrow fire.   The fellowship then split up into roles:
  • Sigmarr rides south out of Celduin in the middle of the night to keep watch on the south road
  • In the morning, Monin begins repairing the two iron doors for the tollgate
  • Arahad begins drilling a dozen volunteers with bow and arrow using some hastily constructed straw targets
  • Hathus assists with the evacuation
During the middle of the morning, Erik gives a short, motivational speech and orders the evacuation to begin. Monin's own gruff attempt at building confidence ends on a somewhat sour note, as his typical gloomy outlook and, "everyone have a drink in the inn, because it might be your last", earns several mutters of disapproval from the mothers heading for the wagons.   During the rest of the afternoon, after the last of the wagons disappears towards the woods north of the Crossings, Monin reckons that the bridge would be too tricky to collapse, so defences are bolstered around the Tollgate. During the evening, Sigmarr departs once more for his camp above the south road, five miles from the Crossings, while the defenders in the town dig trenches and construct a locking mechanism from a tree trunk to lock the portcullis closed.   During the night a pair of orc warg riders are spotted nosing around the burned out houses on the south side of the river, but they depart after a few minutes. Sigmarr returns in the morning with warning of an orc and warg raiding party apparently preparing to attack at dusk. At last the town defences are finalised.  

The Enemy Approaches

Battle of Celduin by Jon Hodgson
  As dusk falls, Sigmarr hides on the south side of the river, ready to mount a rear attack and the rest of the fellowship await their foe. The quiet doesn't last long as, with howls and roars, a small band of orc skirmishers riding wargs pounds down the small valley and straight onto the bridge! Arrows start raining down from the defenders on the Tollhouse, but the attack does not falter. Orc begin scrabbling up the walls of the tollhouse, while the wolves try and leap from the bridge to the northern bank. The fight on the bridge is over quickly, Arahad, Hathus and Sigmarr sniping from cover in the rear killing the orc assailants with a steady rhythm, but it is only Monin's quick thinking to engage the wolves on the bank that saves the day in the town. Within no more than two minutes the fight is over and a ragged cheer erupts from the young townsfolk.   The townsfolk retrieve as many arrows as possible and roll the corpses into the Celduin, where they tumble downstream and quickly disappear from sight. They have survived the first assault.
Report Date
15 Nov 2020
Primary Location

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Cover image: Land of Skyrim by Jonas De Ro


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