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Episode 4: A Hopeless Mission

General Summary

The Hill-troll

  After exhaustive defensive preparations and fires are laid next to the toll house, the fellowship wait pensively on the ramparts, peering forlornly into the mist and drizzle, ears straining for any sounds from the far bank. Hathus heals the wounded and the waiting drags out. At around midnight, the enemy makes itself known by a volley of arrows whistling against the walls of the toll-house.   In the black of night, a monstrous troll lumbers onto the bridge. He wears a melange of armour and carries a huge mattock. The fellowship rains down arrows at the brute as it nears the toll-house, thankful for the cover of the crenelations atop the wall as goblin arrows skitter all round them. Beoric, one of the Celduin defenders takes an arrow and drops to the floor with a scream. Unfortunately, Hathus also takes a goblin arrow in his chest, piercing his lung and causing him to seek shelter also. The troll makes it to the wall and begins battering at the reinforced doors with the massive hammer, a constant stream of arrows thudding into his meaty shoulders and back.   With a crash, the troll finally rips the gate free of its hinges and reaches through the gap to try and raise the portcullis. Just in the nick of time, one of the arrows finally brings him low and he keels over backwards with a thump that causes dirt and detritus on the bridge to jump in the air. The goblin archers scream in fear and escape into the night. A ragged cheer goes up from the defenders in Celduin. They have repelled another assault!   Despite the exhaustion creeping up on all of them, Sigmarr and Arahad prepare another huge bonfire on the far end of the bridge and lay three huge tree trunks across it in an attempt to prevent wheeled vehicles crossing. This uses up every last piece of wood in the town. Monin sets to work trying to repair the rent reinforced door, although it looks a hopeless task. Hathus weakly heals those in need, although is unable to save poor Beoric, before lying in agony as he tries to sleep with the arrow head still stuck in his chest.  

The Raven

  After the defenders snatch some sleep in a strict rotation, the next day passes by slowly with a growing dread. Monin manages to effect a serviceable repair of the door, knowing that it will probably only withstand a couple of blows from a troll before it succumbs once more.   As the sun starts to set, look-outs spot a black dot in the northern skies, almost invisible in the dying light. Some of the more fearful defenders whisper that it is the Dragon returned, but as it comes closer, the company see that it is just a raven from the Mountain. The bird starts to descend towards the town - and then a flight of black darts shoots from across the river - Orcish scouts were hiding from the sun close to the river banks, and just emerged to bring down the bird! The raven is hit by one of the darts, and bloody black feathers rain down as the bird plummets to splash into the river. The Goblin Archers yell in triumph, and run to hide again among the reeds and rushes.   Acting quickly, Sigmarr sprints across the battlements and leaps into the river, trying to rescue the injured raven. Fearing an imminent assault, Arahad climbs down a rope onto the bridge, intending to light the bonfire across the far side of the bridge. Heedless of the risks, Arahad shouts to Monin, "quickly, throw me a torch so I can light the bonfire", but his fatigue causes him to fumble the well-tossed brand and he drops it into the oil pooled in front of the gates, setting his only means of escape on fire!   As Sigmarr cautiously paddles to the bank clutching the dying raven, Arahad shouts for Hathus to throw a rope down beside the bridge. Hathus ties off a rope around a crenelation and drops the end into the river. Showing much more dexterity, Arahad manages to leap past the inferno and splash down into the river before emerging to climb hand over hand quickly back to the battlements. By the time he is safe, Sigmarr returns with the bird and a small message tube that had been tied to its leg.  
Sigmarr, with uncharacteristic tenderness, lays the bird gently on the flags inside the gate house and the Mountain raven croaks,  
"I am Korun, son of Roäc. I have at last reached the end of my days. Listen to my counsel! Fight the shadow with fire, or water. A foresight is on me, I am warning you."
  The message reads:  
Dale marches south with Esgaroth and the Dwarves of the Mountain! Hold the river through the night. At dawn, look to the North.

Voices in the Dark

  As night falls, one of the defenders, Amadisa, screams and runs out of the inn, which she had been using as a make-shift mausoleum where she was paying her last respects to her deceased husband Beoric. Hathus and Monin run to investigate while Arahad and Sigmarr maintain a watch on the massing orcs across the river.   As Monin and Hathus enter the Inn. there is a long moment of silence, broken only by his widow's weeping. Then the corpse of Beoric stirs. An unnatural light blooms in his dead eyes, and his cold lips part as a lifeless voice emerges.  
"Fools! You think Bard the Bowman is coming to save you? Dale is afire, abandoned by Elf and Dwarf alike. No help is coming to you. No hope is left to you. Yield!"
  Poor Monin is almost overwhelmed at the unnatural monstrosity and has a vivid flashback to the fearful time atop the The Dwimmerhorn. The widow faints, which is fortunate, as Hathus and Monin set about the animated monstrosity with oil and fire! A faint hiss is the only indication that the shadowy menace has left Beoric's body.   As the dwarf and woodman quench the flames they hear the sound of many war-horns sounding across the river. The final assault is nigh!
Report Date
29 Nov 2020
Primary Location

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Cover image: Land of Skyrim by Jonas De Ro


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