Eriador Geographic Location in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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Eriador is the name of all the lands between the Misty Mountains and the Blue Mountains.   It is mostly lowlands. Hill areas are mainly around the ancient realm of Arnor, The Shire in the center of the region and in the far eastern parts near the Misty Mountains. Plains and bottomlands were in the south and southwestern parts. A plateau area exists in the area around Rivendell and the Trollshaws. Eriador is largely made up of scattered woodlands with scrublands in the north and northeastern parts. The rest were short grasslands mainly in the center of the region.   The climate is mainly humid with relatively mild to cold winters with a constantly warm and moist prevailing wind blowing over the Blue Mountains. In the northern part, cold and dry prevailing winds blow down from the polar north influencing the climate as well.   Most of the population was concentrated in the center area around Arnor and the Shire and, by the Third Age, the dominant language is Westron.
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Cover image: © Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd 2017


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