Mirkwood Cordial Item in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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Mirkwood Cordial

Radagast the Brown gives the company a flask of a powerful alcoholic beverage, enough for six sips of the thick liquid. He accompanies the offer with a warning:  
“Beware, as this liquor has been distilled from rare herbs I picked deep in the forest of Mirkwood. Remember, one sip at a time.”

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Sipping from the flask once a day restores 1d4 Hit Dice. Drinking two sips or more in the same day restores Hit Dice proportionally but induces a stupor making a character Miserable for 24 hours for each sip after the first (this means that the drinker may now fall prey of a Bout of Madness, see page 183 of the Adventures in Middle-earth Player’s Guide).
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
0.5 lb
4 inches x 4 inches
Raw materials & Components
Glass bottle with viscous dark alcoholic liquid.

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Cover image: Potion by arnaerr


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