Ry'Villus Character in In The Wake | World Anvil
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The patron goddess of Dragonkin, Ry'Villus' domain stands over freedom, and rebellion against oppression, and is a Chaotic Good goddess.
  Ry'Villus has a rough, feminine voice, and a commanding aura. When on the material plane, though she can appear in any form she pleases, Ry'Villus prefers the form of a Bronze Dragonkin, standing at about 7' tall, with a bulky build, and two medium-sized, recurving horns. She will often be seen wearing leather armor, with a dragon's skull as a shoulder pauldron.
  In legend, it is believed that Ry'Villus was once a mortal, the leader of the Ancient Dragonkin. When her kin's creator, only known as the Ancient Creator, ordered the destruction of her and her tribe, she gracefully led the counterattack, and with the aid of her tribe, slayed the Creator before his army of Kobolds could return. through the power granted by the slaying of the legendary dragon, and the honor and respect of her tribe, Ry'Villus became a Goddess in her death, and transcended mortality.
  Ry'Villus now resides in the plane of Elysium. When bringing her champions in to visions, some may perceive her organizing a camp of Dragonkin- Spirits in the afterlife brought together in one large tribe, to build a better paradise. In the afterlife, followers of Ry'Villus may find themselves in one of those many camps on the plane of Elysium.
  Though she does not necessarily fight directly or honorably, with a taste for wit and tactic, Ry'Villus encourages fighting for an honorable cause- The defense of freedom and independence. Lesser values of the goddess are family and respect, trust, and courage in the face of fear.
  Champions and Clerics of Ry'Villus are often Dragonkin, but can come from many walks of life- She particularly favors those who fight for freedom of others, even if they themselves are already free. To spread the virtue of freedom of choice is the highest act, but Ry'Villus does particularly enjoy seeing an evil, tyrannical dragon fall.
  Though not necessarily her counterpart, Ry'Villus has a nasty history with Vicaros, the patron god of Kobolds.



Rival God (Vital)

Towards Ry'Villus




Rival Goddess (Trivial)

Towards Vicaros




Ry'Villus and Vicaros were both created from the Ancient Creator, a long-past dragon that learned the arcane secret of embedding his own blood into a living creature to augment it, and gift it with sentient thought and knowledge. Vicaros was the Ancient Creator's first experiment- A kobold born from a gifted Crocodile. Ry'Villus was a much later experiment- A kobold gifted with further blood from the dragon, and given greater strength and knowledge.   Though Ry'Villus was a Dragonkin, Vicaros was a favorite of the Ancient Creator. The only one of the Creator's creations that was given a gift from his hoard. Vicaros loved his master, but Ry'Villus, having grown smarter, began to question her loyalty to someone who treated all his creations like slaves to gather his hoard further.   Ry'Villus, in an act of wit and rebellion, slayed the Ancient Creator, leaving Vicaros to become the leader of his own kobold tribe. The two later ascended, having been creations of such a legendary dragon, and patrons of their respective species.

Relationship Reasoning

Vicaros is quick to call Ry'Villus a "Betrayer," but in honesty, Ry'Villus pities Vicaros for being blind to the treatment his kin had received under the leadership of the dragon. It may have been because the Ancient Creator, but Ry'Villus wishes that Vicaros could've seen past the gifts and loyalty to earn his own freedom.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both gods, though from different species, can both respect the value each other place on their kin and respective tribes.


Adjacent God (Important)

Towards Ry'Villus




Adjacent Goddess (Important)

Towards Raimos




Though Ry'Villus and Raimos often share their differences on approaches to how people should be treated (Ry'Villus with a more hands-off, "Let-them-run-free" approach, and Raimos with a far more aggressive, involved approach), they often share the same values and respect for one another.



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