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The Event

December 31 1992, at 23:59 and 30 seconds

    POV Broadcast TV:

“Jay Tomas Live from in front of the Hard Rock Café, and when I say live, I mean absolutely totally live,”…

Your POV:

You find yourself, in Times Square, it’s a 90s Party, Leather Jackets, silly hats, spinney noisemakers, and cheap plastic wine cups everywhere.   You notice a bored cop sitting on a Horse, and a bunch of Punk Rock looking people being overly rowdy. Off in the distance you see a bunch of very gay Ravers wearing Angels costumes and massive platform heels, on the other side in the less bright part of the square are a bunch of goths dressed like vampires and dominatrixes.   You’re enjoying the Evening as the big sign on the building that splits 7th ave and Broadway starts the big Countdown. The lights around the square are dimmed, so the big ball shines extra Bright. The timers start at 30 seconds, the crowds starts to get really loud.   The Crowd starts to yell out the numbers as the big disco ball gets close to the bottom   “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!”   Right as the big party poppers go off, a massive earthquake hits, the sky turns purple and is streaked with teal lightning, the power goes out for a second as you hear the screaming laughter of a god of chaos.   For a second everything is dark, you feel different, but you can’t place what it is, the lights turn back on, the crowd is clearly in shock a few people start to scream with terror, you look around, you see a box, or bag with items, clothing, and weapons or staves, you look around. That cop looks different, he and his horse seem to be merged into a horse man, a centaur. The punks look big and green with pig-like tusks, the ravers are fairies and Angels. The goths look well basically the same, but did they always have such pointy ears and fangs?   You look at yourself:   (insert your character sheet)   Before you have a chance to fully comprehend what is happening, you see monsters attacking the edges of the crowd, little green monster people, flying bat-like monsters, and you could have sworn you just saw a dragon wearing a sundress flying away.   (This is where your story begins feel free to write this up for your character, don your gear as you wish, join the fray, at some point, after about 10 minutes and up to 10 monsters defeated, you will find yourself in Greenwich Village surrounded by a horde of little green monsters, and flying mouth monsters, you will notice several people next to you -aka fellow players-, and a human sized dragon in a sunndress- NPC who will eventually open the Adventurers Guild - Also note she is free for players to interact with, during this bit as I am not going to specifically write her actions because I am not making her a DMPC, but as a primary quest giver I feel she will be there at the start of your adventure)

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