Council of Magi
The Council of Magi of Chalybs IV consists of 78 Prime Hermeticon Magos, each holding dominion over their respecteful forge moon. The council is led by the Fabricator-General, making them the 79th member, and being the deciding vote should a vote reach a tie.
Members of the council by seat
- Fabricator-General Brattanius of Chalybs
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Langeros of Bafurr
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Viterbis of Kili
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Furber of Hepti
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Langmuir of Mondull
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Rylus of Loinn
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Oliphant of Siarr
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Noyce of Vidr
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Parkinus of Uni
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Suntola of Aurvang
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Perlis of Blovur
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Vilkinus of Durnir
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Minsk of Far
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Carthos of Alviss
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Bachmanus of Gustr
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Knuth of Ivald
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Neuellum of Nidi
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Rabin of Ori
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Backus of Sudri
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Dennard of Regin
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Lions of Thecr
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Yariv of Thror
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Hoare of Veiger
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Wirth of Galar
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Tarjan of Sindri
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Kahan of Fili
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Corbato of Alfrik
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Milnus of Buinn
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Yaon of Eitri
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Cocke of Forvi
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Rivest of Lofarr
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Cerf of Midvid
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Kahn of Skaver
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Naur of Nefi
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Allenus of Tholin
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Sifakis of Uri
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Liskov of Tuta
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Micali of Tigvi
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Pearlum of Olius
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Hellman of Nyl
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Lamportis of Lomi
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Bengio of Jaki
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Hinton of Jari
- Prime Hermeticon Magos LeCun of Iri
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Hanrahan of Gud
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Metcalfe of Dori
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Kolff of Buri
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Cottrellus of Blainn
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Telleris of Atvard
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Benzer of Alius
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Racker of Radsvid
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Rabin of Varr
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Aumann of Toki
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Leder of Skalfid
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Sorokin of An
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Mazar of Bari
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Chambon of Falar
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Brenner of Gloi
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Kadelus of Hugstari
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Zare of Munin
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Cahn of Nali
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Karpum of Vili
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Gallager of Loni
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Yonath of Aurgrimnir
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Dervan of Hornbori
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Ashkin of Berling
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Witten of Dainn
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Evanus of Fundinn
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Harrinus of Brising
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Polykov of Althorf
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Genzel of Egmoin
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Corkum of Fainn
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Bloch of Nori
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Thorne of Onn
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Shatz of Thrasir
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Kariko of Vindal
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Cullis of Bombur
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Saxbinius of Delling
- Prime Hermeticon Magos Harterum of Naefr