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Devil Wings

Written by CoolG1319

Devil Wings is the most powerful ability any demon could attain.

Any who wishes to possess it must first go through the Reiresma Haeza Bilind (the Ritual of High Power), an arduous process that takes decades of gruelling patience and offering sacrifices before finally gaining this power.

The ability grants the user great power and amplifies their existing powers. However, the possessor must be wary, as an ability of this magnitude causes immense pain when utilised and worsens the longer it is active.


The powers of the demon possessing it are amplified.

Side/Secondary Effects

This ability drains the energy of the possessor, causing physical and mental pain and weakness. The most severe side effect is the complete loss of the wings or eyes.


When manifested, the wings (if the demon has none, bright flaming wings appear) and eyes of the demon possessing this ability turn into bright flames. The possessor would feel a light burning sensation in their wings which becomes painful with prolonged use.


This ability is possessed by conducting the Reiresma Haeza Bilind (the Ritual of High Power) using the  Pirtuka Rastnivsan Seytan

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Devil Wings by CoolG1319
Gestures & Ritual
The Reiresma Haeza Bilind (the Ritual of High Power) is required to obtain this ability.
Effect Duration
A few hours or even days
Effect Casting Time
About 5 minutes
Any demon can obtain it, but they have to be physically and mentally prepared.
Applied Restriction
Devil Wings can't be utilised by someone mentally and physically weak.
This article was a participant in the Magic March unofficial challenge by sunnybirdboi!
by sunnybirdboi via Canva

Cover image: Devil Wings by CoolG1319


Author's Notes

This is a work in progress; more will come soon!  

All images are original works of the author (though some are traces of Google images or AI art generated by the author)
© CoolG1319 All rights reserved.
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Apr 7, 2024 22:25 by Icarus Crow

Congratulations on your participation in the Magic March challenge, and thank you so much for your entry! Here's your shiny badge!

by sunnybirdboi via Canva
[ img : 5379806 ]

It's Summer Camp time!!! ~ Icarus
Apr 8, 2024 06:21 by CoolG

Thank you ^^ It was a lot of fun!

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