Sewtagernx Flares Physical / Metaphysical Law in Inferncenem | World Anvil
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Sewtagernx Flares

The Side Effect of Sewtagernx

Sewtagernx Flares are tall jets of fire that erupt from the ground in Inferncenem and burn any being that touches it. They came about as the side effect of Sewtagernx, a mechanism put in place by Zutnebas to discourage angels from coming to His realm soon after The Falling Out.
Sewtagernx Flares by CoolG1319


The first sign of the flare's appearance is a fire ring floating inches above the ground. It can be anywhere from 10 cm to 80 cm in diameter. Then, tiny fire "petals" emerge from the ring and hover above it. This is the part where you run. The actual jet doesn't appear until a few minutes or hours later, and when it does, it's tall and bulb-shaped with smaller streams appearing beside it.


Sewtagernx flares occur all over Inferncenem, as Sewtagernx covers the whole realm, though some areas are more prone to it than others. Merga Miriniay is most prone to these disasters.


These flares cause fourth-degree burns, the most serious burns, to any creatures that come into contact with it and often burn crops and livestock. The risk of burns isn't the only reason they're dangerous. Sewtagernx flares are unpredictable. They don't occur in specific intervals and there is no real way to detect when one would appear.
Copper-Badge [img:5650241] by Blue Fairy 74

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