BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Written by CoolG1319



How the then-nameless being, came into existence is unknown. However, His followers believe He emerged from the ground in the human realm, forming the first volcanoes, then afterwards, chose to reside in the void beneath the realm. At some point, He chose the name Zutnebas.

His Future Wife

The demonic god was relaxing in His home which is the void beneath the human realm when He perceived a faint smell of fish. He opened His eyes and noticed a slender silhouette in the shadows. Confused and trepidatious, He called out to it. The figure did not respond at first but then stepped out of the shadows. Before the demonic god's eyes was a tall, slender and beautiful female with gorgeous dark green skin, long wavy scarlet hair and red nails. Awestruck by her beauty, Zutnebas slowly moved towards the being as she stood there, staring at him with an inquisitive expression. He reached her, gently held her head in His claws, stroked her cheek and muttered inaudible. The female being kept her curious expression until Zutnebas uttered something surprising.
I love you...marry me.
The female pulled away from His grasp and walked away as the god realised what He had said.

Surprised by and ashamed of His words, Zutnebas sought out the being to apologize. His search led Him to a lake in the human realm where, bathing in it, was the female. Seeing the female move her hands over her ravishing, dark green body excited the demonic god, so He stepped into the lake, swam up behind her, swiftly wrapped His long arms around her thin waist and drew her close. She was surprised but did not mind His hold and even snuggled up to His chest. The two played in the water, cuddling and fondling each other, and then Zutnebas proposed to her once more. This time, she accepted and from that moment, she became His wife.

The following day, Zutnebas discovered that His wife had no name, so named her "Ynlawnx" meaning "love".

Meeting Ameuses

You want to know how us two met? Ask the annoyance Himself!

Competition of Creation

The creation of Inferncenem and Caelumen began as a friendly competition between Ameuses and Zutnebas to see who could create a better world for intelligent creatures and their wives would be the judges. They were given just seven days to create a world.

Zutnebas made Inferncenem in just four days, using fire, brimstone and various metals like iron, lead and copper to craft the land and creatures.

In the end, after their wives looked around each new realm, they declared Ameuses the winner much to the demonic god's ire.

The Falling Out

Only He and Ameuses knew what truly happened during the horrific event and, to be put mildly, Zutnebas was very displeased. Using His long claw, he cut His finger, held it above Infercenem and simply told the angelic god to tell His creations to leave immediately. Before Ameuses could ask what He meant, a drop of the demonic god's blood fell on the ground below and spread across the realm at an alarming rate. Every angel touching the ground was instantly burned alive and turned to ash. After watching the rest of the angels fly back to Caelumen, Zutnebas quietly returned to His void and didn't speak to Ameuses from then on.

Divine Goals and Achievements

Zutnebas' main goal is to make His realm great and prosperous. Though His devout followers believe that He plans to overthrow Ameuses and destroy Caelumen, Ameuses' realm, in reality, Zutnebas couldn't care less about Him or His realm and wants nothing to do with the angelic god.

As for achievements, He taught His creations how to live and worship Him. He also made the precursor language (that would later be Fhcha) His followers would use in their day-to-day lives.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zutnebas is a very tall and skinny being with pitch-black skin, long dirty brown hair that reaches His ankles and clawed hands and feet. When He wants to show Himself to His creations, He takes the form of a small child with bright blonde hair and big blue eyes. He can't show His true self as any mortal angel that rests their eyes on Him instantly melts into molten gold.

Body Features

The majority of His black skin is covered in white blemishes and spots. He has large clawed hands with four long fingers each, deer-like legs bent outwards at the knee, and clawed feet with three toes each.

Facial Features

Zutnebas' head resembles the skull of a reindeer with large front incisors and tall antlers covered with serrated spikes. His eyes are blood-red balls with pupils absent floating in the eye sockets.

Apparel & Accessories

He always carries His Book of Spells and one hundred fused human skulls He hangs from his animal hide belt.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Zutnebas, despite His great power and immense presence, is a simple man at heart. He enjoys His wife's cooking and stories and watching His creations do their business.

He strongly dislikes Ameuses, finding the god's friendliness and joyful nature annoying. He often avoids interacting with Ameuses and when He does have to, He always wears an annoyed and tired frown.


Contacts & Relations


Their first meeting may be considered strange to most people but the two lovers don't care. They have been together for billions of years and have never shown signs of displeasure. Zutnebas adores his wife's cooking and wild fables while Ynlawnx enjoys the yearly gifts her husband brings her.
"Tell me another one of your stories."
"But darling, this would be the sixth one!"
"Please, my love! I wouldn't be asking if I didn't adore your tales."
"Hah hah hah! You're such a child! Alright then..."


The two gods were initially close friends and often drank together, told stories, merrily watched their creation interact with each other and gossiped about their wives. This closeness lasted until The Falling Out. Since then, Zutnebas refuses to interact with Him despite the angelic god's attempts at reconciliation.
I don't understand why He's always so gloomy and serious...Perhaps a beer or two can help!

His Creations

Even though it's not apparent, Zutnebas deeply cares about His creations, after all, He had taught them everything they know. He's aware that not all of them worship Him but doesn't mind.



Friend (Trivial)

Towards Zutnebas




Friend (Trivial)

Towards Nxwedaye



Sagirten Seytan 
Divine Classification
Demonic God
Neutral Evil
Current Status
Chilling in the void below Inferncenem
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Zutnebas has been given many titles by His loyal followers, including:
  • Asonefhpu Zutnebas
  • Zutnebas Asalmalt
  • Zutnebas Asopardishe Cinan
among many, many more. 
Several billion years
Pure black scalera and blood red with no pupils
Long dirty brown hair that reaches His ankles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pitch-black skin with white blemishes
Not fixed; can alter it at will
Copper-Badge [img:5650241] by Blue Fairy 74


Author's Notes

All images are original works of the author (though some are traces of Google images or AI art generated by the author)   © CoolG1319 All rights reserved.   Powered by World Anvil

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