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Arianrhod - Goddess of the Moon and Fate Weaver (air-ree-an-rod)

Silver Wheel, Silver Circle, Star Goddess Arianrhod

She was a virgin goddess in the ancient meaning of the word virgin – a woman who is complete unto herself; a woman who needs no protection from a man.   The wheel may also refers to the oar wheel upon which she carried the dead back to her heavenly northern land, the Corona Borealis. It was here the dead souls waited for the Goddess and her female attendants to decide their fate before being reincarnated.   Arianrhod also rules arts, magic, and manifestation. As the Goddess of the Silver Wheel she is associated with spinning and weaving. With Her wheel she magically weaves the tapestry of life.   Alternative spellings of her name include Aranrhod and Arianrod. Arianrhod is linked with the moon and North star, living in a realm know as Caer Sidi which means "revolving castle."   Arianrhod's Archetype   The Mother: This Archetype is a life-giver and the source of nurturing, devotion, patience and unconditional love. The ability to forgive and provide for her children and put them before herself is the essence of a good mother.   In its shadow aspect the Mother can be devouring, abusive and abandoning. The shadow Mother can also make her children feel guilty about becoming independent and leaving her.   This Celtic moon Goddess is a Mother Goddess as she is a fertility Goddess. However, in her role as a mother she represents the shadow aspect not even wishing to acknowledge her children's rights and existence.

Divine Domains

Goddess of the moon and stars, her name means "silver- wheel" the wheel of the year and the web of fate.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her symbols include the Silver wheel, weaving implements the full moon and the Corona Borealis.   Sacred Bird: The Goddess shape-shifted into a large wise owl which enabled her to see into the dark depths of the human soul.   Sacred Plant: Ivy and the silver birch.   Spiders are also associated with this Goddess as she is seen as a weaver of fate.   Colours: Silver and white.

Tenets of Faith

A free spirited Goddess who is not prepared to bend to anyone’s expectations of her.   When Arianrhod speaks to you delve into your own soul; seek the knowledge of past lives; release the past; allow rebirth and renewal to occur. Be aware of the moon and the magic of her flowing changes. Open your heart to the infinite possibilities of the stars. Be in the open mind of the initiate who seeks truth of self and of others.
Strengths: A free spirited Goddess who is not prepared to bend to anyone’s expectations of her.   Weaknesses: She is vindictive and unable to let go of the past.   She is usually depicted as a pale skinned, fair haired Goddess.   Her symbols include the Silver wheel, weaving implements the full moon and the Corona Borealis.   Sacred Bird: The Goddess shape-shifted into a large wise owl which enabled her to see into the dark depths of the human soul.   Sacred Plant: Ivy and the silver birch.   Spiders are also associated with this Goddess as she is seen as a weaver of fate.   Colours: Silver and white.
Divine Classification
Long silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white