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Court of the Ephemeral (eh-fem-er-al)

The Fae court that embodies the ephemeral and lives in deep underwater cities is a mysterious and powerful people, deeply connected to the celestial bodies like the moon. They are known for their beauty and grace, but also their unforgiving nature when it comes to old grudges.   The Fae of this court would be skilled at water magic and have the ability to manipulate the tides and currents. Their underwater cities are awe-inspiring, with gleaming spires and intricate architecture made of luminescent coral and other sea life. They have a close relationship with the sea creatures and are able to communicate with them.   The Fae are deeply connected to the moon, using its phases to mark the passage of time and to guide their magical practices. They hold rituals during the full moon, using its energy to increase their powers and connect with their ancestors.   However, the Fae of this court is also known for their inability to let go of old grudges. They hold onto grievances for centuries, seeking revenge even long after the original offense has been forgotten by others. This makes them a dangerous enemy to cross, as their wrath is long-lasting and unrelenting.   The Fae court's land was sunk as a punishment for their lack of monogamy and more liberal ideology, which caused them to be viewed as threatening to more conservative courts. This led to a deep mistrust of outsiders and a reluctance to engage in diplomacy or alliances with other courts.   Overall, this Fae court is a fascinating and enigmatic people, deeply connected to the sea and the moon, but also harboring long-held grudges and a fierce independence.


Connection to the Moon: As a central part of their culture, the court places great significance on the phases of the moon and its influence on magic and natural cycles. Full moon ceremonies and rituals are particularly important.   Mastery of Water Magic: Given their deep connection to the ocean and its creatures, the court has a strong mastery of water-based magic. This includes abilities to control tides and waves, communicate with sea creatures, and create underwater structures.   Ephemeral Nature: The court views themselves as being ephemeral and otherworldly, existing in a realm that is distinct from the mortal world. This is reflected in their customs and behaviors, as well as in their architecture and art.   Long Memories: Because of their history of being punished by having their land sunk, the court is slow to forgive past grudges and slights. Old wounds are remembered for generations, and actions taken against the court in the past are viewed as still relevant in the present.   Liberal Ideology: The court was punished for their lack of monogamy and more liberal ideology. The court has a more open-minded approach to social norms and customs, and does not place the same value on traditional notions of family and marriage as some other courts.   Deep Respect for the Ocean: Given that the court's punishment involved the sinking of their land, they view the ocean as a powerful and potentially dangerous force. They have a deep respect for the ocean's power and view it as a sacred entity.

Public Agenda

Regaining their lost land: As a people who were punished by having their land sunk, the court has a strong desire to reclaim it. They have ongoing efforts to find ways to raise the sunken land and/or create new underwater settlements to replace it.   Protecting the ocean: Given their connection to the ocean, the court is motivated to protect it from external threats, such as pollution or overfishing. They work to enforce rules and regulations that help to preserve the health of the ocean and its inhabitants and are prepared to defend it fiercely.   Consolidating their power: Like many ruling bodies, the court is interested in maintaining and expanding their influence over the Fae world. This involves forging alliances with other courts or acquiring their old territory above the sea.   Honoring their traditions: As a culture with deep roots and a long history, the court places a high value on their customs and traditions. They are motivated to preserve these traditions and pass them on to future generations.   Seeking vengeance: Since the court still harbors a grudge against those who punished them in the past, they are motivated to seek revenge. This manifests in a variety of ways, such as political maneuvering or outright acts of aggression.   Exploring new frontiers: As a people who live in an underwater world, the court is motivated to explore new frontiers and discover new realms to conquer or inhabit. They are interested in expanding their understanding of the Fae world and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.


Pearls and other valuable underwater resources: As a people who live in the ocean, the court has access to valuable resources that are unique to their environment. This includes pearls, coral, and other treasures that could be traded for goods and services.   Underwater structures: The court has impressive underwater structures that are unlike anything found on land. These structures are fortified against attacks and provide a safe haven for the court and their followers.   Control over underwater creatures: The court has the ability to control and communicate with underwater creatures, such as sharks or whales. This is a valuable asset in battle and for transportation.   Magical artifacts: As a Fae court, the organization posseses magical artifacts that can grant them great power and help them to achieve their goals.   Skilled fighters: The court has skilled warriors who are adept at fighting underwater. These fighters use tridents and other underwater weapons.   Celestial knowledge: As a court that is deeply connected to celestial bodies like the moon, the court has knowledge of the stars and the cosmos that is unknown to others. This knowledge is used for divination and other purposes.   Trade routes: The court has established trade routes with other Fae courts and lesser fae underwater communities. This allows them to acquire goods and resources that are not available in their own realm.

Moonlit Sovereignty

Geopolitical, Country
Tidal Fae
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
In a Fae court, the laws are written by the ruling monarch or a council of advisors or nobles. The laws are based on traditional customs and beliefs of the Fae court, as well as the current needs and circumstances of the society.
Judicial Body
The Fae court has a system of judges and lawyers who interpret and enforce the laws, ensuring that all citizens are held accountable for their actions. Any kind of sentencing is completed by the Ephemeral Matriarch/Patriarch


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