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Brigid - Goddess of Fertility and Healing (bri-gud)

Lady of Healing Waters, Goddess of the Sacred Flame and Goddess of the Fertile Earth Brigid (a.k.a. Brigit)

This goddess is appears as a redheaded woman associated with fire, passion, healing, fertility, and motherhood. Fire and sacred wells are equally important symbols of Brigid, who was seen as a protector first and foremost. As a form of the primordial mother deity, she protects men and women, children, and domesticated animals. She is considered a mother goddess and a hearth goddess. Brigid is thought to be a bridge between humankind and the otherworld.
  Brigid is also a protector of the home and the family. Expectant mothers walk over ashes and embers, seeking the protection of Brigid for their unborn children.
  Brigid’s feast day also coincides with Feast of Imbolc , the first day of spring (Feb 1).
  The symbols that Brigid is most associated with are her wells as they help give life. Another symbol of Brigid is the Brigid Cross, a cross made of grass that is usually hung over the doorways of homes.
  It is also said of Brigid that when she walks on the ground, flowers spring up in her footsteps. Thus, she is also associated with spring, growth, and fertility.
  Brigid sometimes wore a cloak made of sunbeams.

Divine Domains

She is the goddess of healing, fertility, motherhood, spring, and dawn, but also of passion and fire.   Brigid’s domain over fertility and motherhood included not only mortals and gods, but animals as well. Her role as protector of domesticated animals was demonstrated via the animals she kept.


Brigid often appeared as a fiery-haired young woman wearing a cloak of sunbeams.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Brigid’s Cross: Made of reed or grass. These crosses are traditionally woven during the Feast of Imbolc, Brigid’s festival, to announce the arrival of spring. The cross is left on the altar throughout the night of Imbolc for the Goddess to bless. The next morning it is hung at the front door of the house to protect the home from fire and evil. Other appropriate places are above the hearth, or in the kitchen, places ruled by the fire of the Goddesses of the Home.   Eternal Flame: With her flaming red hair and association with fire, she is often symbolized by a flame. As she is considered to be a fire Goddess, many of her worshippers use this element to pay homage to her. By lighting a white candle and invoking the element Fire you can feel her presence and bring the symbol of the Goddess Brigid to life.   Serpent: Another popular symbol for the Goddess Brigid is the serpent. It represents renewal and the beginning of spring. When you uncover the deeper elements of this symbol it is also tied to divinity.   Wells: Brígid serves as the goddess of water and maintains dominion over rivers and wells. Two of her most famous holy wells are:   Brigid’s Well in Kildare, one of the most famous sites in all of Ireland. The water from the well is said to cure any illness or injury. Many visit it to seek the blessing of the goddess. The Flame of Ireland burns on this site, and is dedicated in honor of Brigid. Brigid’s Well in County Clare: housed in a church, this well was built in a graveyard. This well is located near the famous Cliffs of Moher.   In addition, Brigid is also symbolized by Spring. As such she represents new beginnings and the creation of new life. It is one of the reasons why she is celebrated. During the springtime, it is easiest to connect with her, she is all around nurturing and giving life to plants and animals.


Feast of Imbolc Roughly halfway between the winter and summer solstices, Imbolc is the festival that celebrated the return of light and fertility to the world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Young looking, average build

Body Features

Long fiery red hair

Apparel & Accessories

Long white dress and a cloak made of sunbeams
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Bright One Fiery Arrow The Powerful One The High One Great Mother Goddess Lady of the Sacred Flame Eternal Flame of Life Flame of Inspiration The Mistress of the Mantle
Feminine in a long white dress
Long fiery red hair


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