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Court of the Enduring

This court is a fae realm that embodies spring and fertility, but it is ruled by a corrupt monarch who has a perverted idea of forced birth and life at all costs. The buildings are a mixture of symbiotic architecture and grown over ruins of crumbling cities of a long-forgotten realm. While monogamy isn't necessary, same-gendered couples are illegal as they do not produce offspring.
  The leader's title is "The Enduring King/Queen".
  The culture of this court is focused on procreation and the proliferation of life, with a deep-seated belief that life is the most important thing, no matter the cost. The court's public agenda is to spread their ideology to other realms and to increase their power and influence. The court is rich in natural resources such as fertile lands and valuable minerals, and their military forces are highly skilled in guerrilla tactics and are fiercely loyal to their leader.
  The population is divided across the land in small settlements that are scattered throughout the realm, with a high birth rate and a low death rate due to the emphasis on life at all costs. The court's legislative body is the "Council of Blooms", and the interpretation of the laws is carried out by the "Court of Petals". The court's religion revolves around the worship of nature and the cycle of life and death.
  The court is an agricultural power, with most of their activities focused on farming and animal husbandry. The members of the court are educated through apprenticeships and tutelage under skilled craftsmen and women. The physical assets of the court that assure its health and well-being are their fertile lands, natural resources, and a symbiotic relationship with the natural world around them.
  Executions in this court are conducted by turning a prisoner into breeding stock while harvesting their bodies for necessary organs used to help difficult pregnancies/births and ensure the non prisoner's lives.


The organizational structure of this fae Court revolves around the power and influence of the Enduring Matriarch/Patriarch. She is at the top of the hierarchy and would has complete control over the court's resources and decision-making.   Beneath her is a group of advisors, made up of the most trusted and influential faeries in the court. These advisors are responsible for managing various aspects of the court's affairs, such as agriculture, architecture, and defense, and act as the matriarch's direct representatives.   The rest of the court is divided into various factions and guilds, each dedicated to a particular aspect of spring and fertility, such as botany, animal husbandry, and fertility rites. These factions are led by respected faeries who have demonstrated expertise in their respective areas and who are loyal to the matriarch.   While the court has a strict hierarchy and a centralized power structure, there is also room for individual faeries to pursue their own interests and passions. However, any actions that threaten the stability or security of the court will be met with harsh punishment, as the matriarch values loyalty and obedience above all else.


This motto reflects the court's obsession with vitality and the natural world, while also hinting at the darker implications of it's matriarch's twisted influence. The phrase "life at all costs" suggests a willingness to go to any lengths to maintain the faerie's eternal youth and beauty, even if it means sacrificing others in the process. Meanwhile, "beauty above all" underscores the court's emphasis on aesthetics and the allure of the natural world, which is both enchanting and dangerous.   The culture of the Court of the Enduring is deeply rooted in the natural world and the celebration of life. The faeries hold the spring season and the cycle of birth and renewal in the highest regard, and view themselves as guardians of this cycle.   The court is known for its elaborate fertility rites and rituals, which are performed throughout the year to ensure the health and vitality of the natural world. These rituals involve music, dancing, group sexual activities, and offerings of food and drink, and are open to all members of the court.   In addition to their reverence for the natural world, the faeries of this court also place a high value on physical beauty and aesthetic appeal. They have intricate, ornate clothing and jewelry made from natural materials, such as flowers, leaves, and vines.   Given their strict focus on fertility and reproduction, the court has strict rules regarding marriage and childbearing, as well as a strong emphasis on the importance of family and lineage. Same-gendered couples are looked down upon and even outlawed due to their inability to produce offspring.   However, the court is also known for its advanced knowledge of botany, agriculture, and animal husbandry, which allows them to create stunning gardens and grow crops that are unparalleled in quality and beauty. The faeries take great pride in their skills and view their ability to cultivate life as a sacred gift from their goddess and diety Brigid - Goddess of Fertility and Healing.

Public Agenda

The court has a strong environmentalist agenda, promoting the importance of preserving natural habitats and protecting endangered species. They also have strict laws and regulations regarding the use of resources, such as land and water, to ensure that they are used in a sustainable way.   In addition to their environmental concerns, the court is highly motivated to promote fertility and reproduction. Their main goddess and diety, Brigid - Goddess of Fertility and Healing, is the source of their fertility and virulity, as the priestesses are gifted with the magical abilites to cure infertility.   The court's motivations are driven by their belief that the natural world is sacred and that the cycle of birth, growth, and renewal is essential to the health and vitality of the earth. They view themselves as stewards of this cycle, responsible for ensuring that it continues unimpeded.   However, there are darker motivations behind the court's actions, such as a desire for power and control. The matriarch sees herself as a goddess of fertility and uses her power to manipulate and control the lives of her subjects. Additionally, the court is willing to go to extreme lengths to ensure that the cycle of life continues, including the use of force or coercion to achieve their goals.


The Court of the Enduring does not place a high value on traditional wealth like silver and gold, as their focus is primarily on the natural world and the cycle of life. However, they possess valuable resources related to their expertise in botany, agriculture, and animal husbandry. This includes rare and exotic plants, advanced farming techniques, and high-quality seeds.   The buildings of the court are a mixture of symbiotic architecture and grown-over ruins of crumbling cities. These buildings may not have much practical value in terms of defense or shelter, but they serve as a testament to the court's deep connection to the natural world.   The court does not have a standing army in the traditional sense, but they possess a deep understanding of the natural world and may summon powerful creatures like faerie beasts or plant golems to defend their territory. They also have a network of allies and followers who are committed to protecting the natural world.   In terms of equipment and weapons, the faeries of this court have specialized tools and implements for gardening, farming, and animal husbandry, but they do not have much in the way of traditional weapons. They are able to summon creatures like vines or thorns to defend themselves in times of need.   Ships and horses are not be of great importance to the court, as their focus is primarily on the land and the natural world. They have a deep connection to the land and be able to move quickly and easily through it, without the need for traditional transportation.   Castles and other fortifications are not a priority for the court, as they do not see themselves as needing protection from external threats. Instead, they rely on their connection to the natural world and their ability to summon powerful creatures to defend themselves if necessary.


The Court of the Enduring was a realm of stunning natural beauty, overflowing with vibrant flowers, lush greenery, and the gentle hum of bees. At its center stood a magnificent palace, crafted from living vines and blooming blossoms, which had been carefully woven together over generations to form a symbiotic structure that merged with the surrounding environment.   The court was ruled by a powerful and corrupt faerie queen, who had amassed her power through deception, manipulation, and fear. She embodied the wild and untamed essence of spring and fertility, but with a dark and twisted twist.   Her court was home to countless faeries, each of whom had been drawn to her magnetic charm and the promise of eternal life and vitality. However, her power was not without a cost, and many faeries were forced to pay a terrible price for her twisted gifts.   The buildings of the Fae Court were a mixture of ancient ruins and living, breathing structures. The ruins of a long-forgotten realm had been overtaken by the rampant growth of the court, with moss and vines creeping over crumbling stones and forgotten towers. Meanwhile, the faeries themselves had learned to grow living structures, weaving vines and flowers into structures that could house and protect them from the elements.   But despite the beauty of her court, her rule was harsh and unforgiving. Her corrupt influence had twisted the once-benevolent values of spring and fertility into something more sinister, and she demanded absolute obedience from her subjects. She cared little for the happiness or well-being of her faeries, seeing them only as pawns in her bid for power and control.   Many faeries yearned for the freedom that she had promised them, but they dared not speak out against her, for fear of the terrible punishments that awaited those who defied her. Nonetheless, there were whispers of rebellion and dissent, and some faeries dreamed of a world where they could be free of her corrupt influence and live their lives as they saw fit.

Demography and Population

As the embodiment of spring and fertility, the court has a strong emphasis on growth and abundance, and works to ensure that all of its citizens have access to the resources they need to thrive.   The population of the court is concentrated in and around the capital city, which is the hub of political, social, and economic activity in the realm. However, there are also smaller settlements and communities scattered throughout the countryside, with a focus on sustainable living and harmonious coexistence with the natural world.   In terms of birth and death rates, the court's emphasis on fertility and growth leads to a relatively high birth rate, as families are encouraged to have children and expand their households. Additionally, the court has access to magical resources that promote fertility and increase the chances of successful pregnancies.   The death rate, on the other hand, is relatively low in the court, as the emphasis on life and growth means that the fae work to prevent and heal illnesses and injuries, and have access to magical and natural resources that extend lifespan and promote good health.


The military is small loosely organized in a hierarchical structure with commanders, officers, and soldiers, but their approach to warfare is more guerrilla-style and defensive, as the court's focus on fertility and growth does not lend itself to aggressive expansion. The military is responsible for protecting the court's lands, resources, and inhabitants from outside threats, which may include other fae courts or mortal kingdoms. However, the largest focus on forces is the ability for the court to summon animals and nature to aide in their defence.   Given their focus on fertility and life at all costs, the military has a unique approach to healing wounded soldiers, incorporating magical and natural methods of healing. They also have a system for rewarding soldiers who show exceptional skill or bravery in battle, with magical tokens or blessings.   Overall, the military of this fae court is deeply intertwined with nature and focused on protecting and defending their lands and inhabitants.


In addition to the Daughters of the Burning Womb, there are rituals and ceremonies around the changing of the seasons, the planting and harvesting of crops, and the birth of new life. The court also has a complex system of beliefs around the magical properties of nature, such as the powers of certain plants or animals.   In terms of deities or divine figures other than Brigid - Goddess of Fertility and Healing, the fae court has a pantheon of nature spirits and fae beings that are revered and called upon in various situations. These spirits are associated with specific aspects of nature, such as the sun, moon, or stars, and with specific locations in the realm, such as rivers or mountains.


Preservation of nature: The court has laws that protect the natural world, such as prohibiting the destruction of forests, wetlands, or other natural habitats.   Protection of fertility: The court has laws that promote fertility and reproduction, such as expecting families to have children and providing resources to support pregnancy and childbirth.   Promotion of abundance: The court has laws that promote abundance and growth, such as encouraging the use of sustainable agriculture and resource management practices.   Respect for life: The court has laws that promote the sanctity of life and protect living beings, such as prohibiting the killing of animals or plants without good reason.   Same Gendered Relationships: The court has laws that prohibits same gendered relationships that are not able to create life. While marriages are not the norm, it is expected that all females in this court bear children.

Agriculture & Industry

The court has developed sophisticated farming techniques that allows for bountiful harvests and the cultivation of a wide variety of crops. They also have a deep reverence for the land and the natural cycles of growth and renewal.   However, this court also has a symbiotic relationship with the natural world that goes beyond traditional agriculture. The architecture of the buildings are intertwined with living plants and animals, allowing for a harmonious coexistence with the environment. The court also has developed unique forms of magic that allow for the manipulation of natural forces in ways that are both sustainable and beneficial.   In terms of industry, this court is less focused on traditional forms of manufacturing and more on the creation of art, music, and other forms of cultural expression. The fae have a deep appreciation for beauty and creativity, and place a high value on skilled artisans and performers.

Trade & Transport

As a court of dark fertility and spring, the primary products being moved and traded within its borders would be agricultural and natural resources. The court's fertile lands would allow for the cultivation of various crops, such as grains, vegetables, and fruits, which would be traded to other territories or used to support the court's own population.   In addition, the court's forests would provide a source of timber, which could be used for construction or other purposes. The court may also have access to valuable minerals or ores, which could be mined and traded.   As for how these products are being moved and traded, the court would likely have established trade routes with neighboring territories or other courts. These routes may involve the use of caravans, ships, or other modes of transportation, depending on the location and distance of the trading partners. The court may also have established marketplaces or trading posts where goods can be exchanged or sold.


Children are taught from a young age about the cycles of growth and renewal, and spend significant time outdoors learning about plants, animals, and the environment. There is also a strong focus on developing skills related to agriculture, animal husbandry, and other forms of sustainable living.   In addition to this practical education, the court also places a high value on the arts, music, and other forms of creative expression. Children are taught how to play instruments, sing, dance, and create art from a young age. There is also a deep reverence for storytelling and myth-making, with elders passing down oral traditions and legends to younger generations.   As the court is has a hierarchical structure with a monarch at the top, education is also used as a means of reinforcing social hierarchies and ensuring that individuals are prepared for their roles in society. Members of the court receive more specialized education in areas such as law, governance, or military strategy, depending on their position within the court.


Fertile land: The court prioritizes access to land that is fertile and able to support agriculture and animal husbandry. This includes land that is near water sources, such as rivers or springs, or that has a favorable climate for growing crops and raising animals.   Clean water: As clean water is essential for fae and animal health, the court prioritizes access to natural sources of water that are free from pollutants or toxins. This may include freshwater springs or underground aquifers.   Forests and natural habitats: As a court that values nature, the court prioritizes the preservation and protection of forests, wetlands, and other natural habitats that support biodiversity and ecological health. These areas also provide important resources such as food, medicinal plants, and building materials.   Symbiotic architecture: The court values architecture that works in harmony with the natural world, such as buildings that are grown from living materials or that incorporate green roofs and walls. These structures help to regulate temperature, and support the health of the surrounding ecosystem.   Knowledge of natural healing: Members of the court have a deep knowledge of natural remedies and healing practices, including the use of plants, herbs, and other natural materials to treat illnesses and injuries. This is passed down through generations as part of the court's cultural traditions.

Life at all costs, beauty above all

Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Vitalis: This is the capital city and seat of power for the fae court, and the location of the court's ruler and many of its important officials. The Court of Blossoms is a place of great beauty, filled with vibrant flowers and blooming trees that celebrate the fertility and renewal of spring.   The Black Forest - A dense forest surrounding the outskirts of the city, rumored to be home to all sorts of dangerous creatures and mysterious magic.   The Springwood Forest: This is a large forest that surrounds the Court of Blossoms, and is the source of much of the court's resources, such as wood and game. The Springwood is a place of great natural beauty, filled with wildflowers, meadows, and babbling brooks.   The Ruins of the Lost City: This is a mysterious and foreboding location that is located within the fae court's territory. The ruins are the remnants of a once-great city that was destroyed long ago, and is a place of both danger and intrigue. It contains hidden treasures, powerful artifacts, and ancient secrets that the fae court seeks to uncover.   The Fertility Fields: This is a large expanse of farmland that is tended by the fae court's subjects. The fields are lush and fertile, producing bountiful crops that sustain the court's population. The Fertility Fields are a place of great importance to the fae court, and are protected by the court's soldiers and magical wards.   The Shimmering Falls: This is a majestic waterfall that is located within the fae court's territory. The falls are a place of great natural beauty and power, and are the location of a powerful magical artifact and a gateway to other realms. The fae court guards the falls closely, as they are a source of great spiritual and magical energy.
Legislative Body
The fae court has a council of powerful fae beings who advise the court's ruler and help make important decisions.   This council is made up of powerful fae nobles, powerful magical beings, and other influential figures within the fae court. They gather periodically to discuss important issues and offer their guidance to the court's ruler. The council's decisions are based on consensus rather than strict majority rule.   Additionally, the fae court has various other magical or spiritual practices that inform its decision-making process. For example, the court consults with powerful nature spirits, and perform divination rituals to gain insight into the best course of action. Ultimately, the ruler of the fae court has final say in all matters, but they are expected to take into account the advice and opinions of the council and other important figures within the court.
Judicial Body
The interpretation of laws and the administration of justice is the responsibility of a specialized group of fae beings, rather than a traditional judicial system.   This group is made up of powerful fae judges and other magical beings who have the ability to interpret the laws of the court and dispense justice accordingly. They work in tandem with the council of advisors and the ruler of the court to ensure that the laws are being interpreted and enforced fairly and justly.   The fae court also relies heavily on magical and spiritual means of enforcing the laws, such as using powerful spells and invoking the aid of nature spirits and other supernatural entities.The interpretation and enforcement of the laws are more fluid and flexible and are subject to the whims of magic and the natural world.   Overall, the interpretation and enforcement of laws in a fae court are highly mystical and otherworldly, in keeping with the fae's deep connection to the natural world and its forces.
Executive Body
In the Court of the Enduring, the responsibility for enforcing laws falls to a group of powerful fae beings who serve as law enforcement officers.   These beings are specially trained in the use of magic and other supernatural abilities that allow them to track down and apprehend those who break the laws of the court. They work in collaboration with other groups, such as the council of advisors and the judges responsible for interpreting the laws.   The methods of law enforcement in a fae court vary widely depending on the nature of the offense and the individuals involved. For minor offenses, such as disputes between citizens or small-scale theft, the law enforcement officers may simply work to mediate a resolution between the parties involved.   For more serious offenses, such as murder and other violent crimes, the law enforcement officers use more aggressive means to bring the offender to justice. This involves using powerful spells and other magical abilities to subdue or incapacitate the offender, or even banishing them from the realm of the fae entirely.   Overall, the enforcement of laws in a fae court are highly reliant on magical and supernatural means, and are carried out by specially trained fae beings with a deep understanding of the court's laws and customs.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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