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Deirdre Bevan

  • 2022

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    Death of Avalina
    Life, Death

    Avalina died by assassin arranged by Queen, made to look like Deirdre was guilty. Queen 'takes care of it' and is owed. Queen tells Sersha that Deirdre killed Avalina.

  • 2022

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    Sersha Leaves the Palace
    Life, Relocation

    Upon hearing Deirdre killed Avalina, Sersha leaves the palace.

  • 2022

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    Tathich's Interest
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    During this year, Deirdre's step father Tathich begins to take a greater interest in her. He begins slowly grooming her in an attempt to join her in bed. Elistan finds out and confronts Deirdre, blaming her for seducing her husband. Deirdre is distraught and tries to confide in Kerrid but ultimately can't bring herself to admit to him what happened, fearing he would see her as unclean and dirty.

  • 2022

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    Deirdre Struggles
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Deirdre is left to put the pieces back togther after Sersha left. She struggles with abandoment and feeling like it was all her fault somehow. She has a huge hole in her heart without her twin sister. During this time she is poorly treated by the rest of their family. She confides in Kerrid.

  • 2022

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    Deirdre and Doran
    Life, Relationship change

    Upon spending more time with Doran, the two rush into a relationship together to fill holes in their lives and hearts. The relationship is relatively short lived but filled with puppy love and good intentions. Ultimately, the queen ends the relationship and sends Doran off. Deirdre is distraught and confides in Kerrid.

  • 2022

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    Daere's Coming Of Age Party
    Cultural event

    Daere has a coming of age party where the whole upper court is invited. It is at this party that Deirdre and Sersha meet after Avalina died. The two have a huge blow out argument in the gardens. Sersha accuses Deirdre of murder and Deirdre defends herself. The two walk away angry but contemplative of their situation.

  • 2022

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    Open Communication
    Life, Milestone

    Deirdre and Sersha begin secretly sending letters to one another discussing the events at the beginning of the year. The two discover all the lies and manipulation of Queen Elistan and begin to reconcile.

  • 2022

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    Bevan Ball
    Gathering / Conference

    For some unknown reason Queen Elistan calls a large ball with the Bevan family and friends. It is at this ball that it is announced that both twin sisters are to be brides in arranged marriages. Deirdre is to marry Anwir and Sersha is to marry Tier. Both twins speak out in protest to no avail. Kerrid is upset and slips out of the event broken hearted after pining for Deirdre for years. Anwir and Deirdre dance and take a steamy stroll through the gardens.

  • 2022

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    The Secret Meeting
    Life, Relationship change

    After the ball, Deirdre and Sersha meet in secret to openly discuss everything that happened between them and bury the hatchet. It is clear at this meeting to both twins who the bad guy is and who to blame. They reconcile their estranged relationship and realize they need one another.

  • 2022

    31 /12

    Twin Birthdays
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    It is a year later at the twins birthday party that we see both ladies back together in the court again. Both are trying to get to know their future husbands and attempting to gain some lost control over their lives. At their birthday celebration something strange begins to happen. Ancient and mysterious powers begin flowing between the twins. It would appear the prophesies were right and the Queen really did have something to fear.

  • 2023

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    Announcements and Secret Plans
    Life, Career

    A few months later the twin sisters begin thinking about how they will be dividing up the court to rule equally as it is their birthright. The Queen calls a gathering in the court to announce that Daere will be taking over the kingdom, sighting some rule she no doubt created or paid someone to create. The twins, infuriated at being out maneuvered and tricked again, hatch a plan that night to take over the court and rule as they were meant to, together.