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Vitalis (vi-tal-iss)

The capital city of the Court of the Enduring is a sprawling metropolis that seamlessly blends nature and architecture. It is built near the ruins of a long-forgotten realm, with buildings constructed from a symbiosis of organic and inorganic materials. The city is situated in a forested area, surrounded by lush greenery and natural wonders. The climate is temperate, with a mix of sunny and rainy days throughout the year.   The city is divided into various districts, each with its own unique character and offerings. The central district is the heart of the city, with its bustling markets, government buildings, and cultural landmarks. Other districts include the artisan quarter, where skilled craftspeople create and sell their wares, and the harbor district, where ships come and go, carrying goods and people to and from distant lands.   Despite its dark and mysterious reputation, the capital city is a hub of culture and creativity, with a vibrant arts scene and a rich history. Tourists come from far and wide to experience its unique architecture, sample its exotic cuisine, and explore its many museums, galleries, and landmarks.


The population includes a mix of different fae races, with a higher percentage of those associated with fertility or nature such as satyrs or dryads. The city has a large population of young people and families with a focus on reproduction and growth. However, given the corrupt nature of the monarch, there are also significant power imbalances between different social classes or races, leading to disparities in wealth, education, and access to resources.


The monarch holds a significant amount of power and control over the city and its citizens. They are supported by a council of advisors who help to manage the day-to-day affairs of the city, such as the administration of laws and the allocation of resources. Given the focus on fertility and reproduction, there is a separate body responsible for overseeing and regulating these aspects of society, such as a ministry of reproduction and a council of fertility.   However, due to the corrupt nature of the monarch there is a lack of oversight and accountability, leading to abuses of power and potentially dangerous and unethical practices.

Industry & Trade

They import various materials and resources necessary for their agricultural and industrial pursuits, such as seeds, fertilizers, tools, and machinery. They also import luxury goods and indentured breeding slaves to satisfy the desires of the court and the wealthy elites, such as fine fabrics, exotic foods, and rare minerals.   In terms of exports, the court has a surplus of agricultural products, such as grains, fruits, and vegetables, which they trade with neighboring courts. They may also export valuable resources mined or harvested from their lands, such as precious metals, gems, and medicinal plants. Additionally, the court exports textiles, weapons, and other manufactured goods produced by their skilled craftsmen and artisans.


As the capital city of a powerful fae court, the entrepreneurial spirits have built a thriving economy based on the court's natural resources and trade with other kingdoms. The city is home to many markets, trading houses, and guilds, which specialize in various crafts such as blacksmithing, weaving, and pottery. The city's entrepreneurs also invest heavily in agriculture, cultivating fertile lands surrounding the city and developing advanced irrigation systems to ensure reliable harvests. In addition to commerce and agriculture, the city's entrepreneurs have also established various cultural institutions such as theaters, museums, and libraries, which serve both the citizens and visitors of the city. Overall, the entrepreneurial spirit in this capital city has resulted in a bustling and prosperous metropolis.


The Market District: This bustling area is home to many open-air markets, street vendors, and small shops selling a wide variety of goods, from fresh produce and spices to clothing and jewelry.   The Artisan Quarter: This district is where many of the city's skilled artisans and craftsmen work and sell their wares. Visitors to the Artisan Quarter can find everything from finely crafted jewelry to intricate tapestries and pottery.   The Noble Quarter: This is the most exclusive district in the city, where the wealthy and powerful members of the fae court live. The streets are lined with ornate mansions and gardens, and many important government buildings and institutions are located here.   The Temple District: This district is home to many of the city's religious institutions, including temples and shrines dedicated to Brigid - Goddess of Fertility and Healing. The Temple District is also known for its beautiful architecture and peaceful atmosphere.


Palaces and government buildings: The city has numerous palaces and government buildings where the monarch and their courtiers reside and conduct official business.   Temples and shrines: The city has temples and shrines dedicated to Brigid - Goddess of Fertility and Healing.   Markets and commercial districts: The city has markets and commercial districts where merchants and traders sell their goods, generating wealth and commerce for the court.   Agricultural and industrial areas: The city has agricultural areas where crops and livestock are raised.   Water supply and sanitation infrastructure: The city needs a reliable water supply and sanitation infrastructure to support its population and prevent disease.   Art and cultural institutions: The city has theaters and other cultural institutions that showcase the court's artistic and intellectual achievements.

Guilds and Factions

The Fertility Cult: A religious guild dedicated to worshipping the monarch and Brigid - Goddess of Fertility and Healing, often engaging in grotesque rituals involving self immolation and forced breeding. This cult goes by the name Daughters of the Burning Womb.   The Breeders' Guild: A guild of specialized individuals who are tasked with ensuring the maximum number of births and pregnancies throughout the court. They are highly valued for their skills in midwifery, fertility magic, and the development of new breeding techniques.   The Gardeners' Guild: A guild dedicated to maintaining the vast gardens and parks that surround the city. They possess extensive knowledge of plant life and cultivation, and often experiment with new and exotic forms of plant life to enhance the court's fertility.   The Architects' Guild: A guild that specializes in the design and construction of buildings and structures that are designed to enhance the court's fertility. They utilize advanced techniques in symbiotic architecture and living building materials to create structures that are not only functional, but also alive and thriving with plant life.   The Eunuchs' Guild: A guild composed of castrated males who are dedicated to serving the court and the monarch in various capacities. They are trusted with sensitive tasks such as guarding the monarch and the breeders, and often act as enforcers of the court's strict laws on sexuality and reproduction.

Points of interest

The Palace of Blossoms - This massive palace is the official residence of the court's monarch and is surrounded by lush gardens filled with exotic flora and fauna.   The Grand Bazaar - A bustling marketplace where merchants come to sell their wares. Here you can find anything from rare spices to enchanted jewelry.   The Temple of the Fertile Earth - A grand temple dedicated to Brigid - Goddess of Fertility and Healing, this holy site is a place of pilgrimage for many of the court's citizens.   The Springwood: This is a large forest that surrounds the Court of Blossoms, and is the source of much of the court's resources, such as wood and game. The Springwood is a place of great natural beauty, filled with wildflowers, meadows, and babbling brooks.   The Academy of Magic - A prestigious school where young fae learn the art of magic and how to harness the power of the elements.   The Silver Lake - A serene lake with shimmering silver waters, believed to have healing properties and used by the court's healers for their medicinal remedies.   The Arena of Thorns - A gladiatorial arena where fae warriors compete in deadly battles for the right to bed the most desirable courtiers and noble ladies.   The Garden of Bones - A macabre garden filled with skeletal remains, said to be the resting place of those who dared to cross the court's monarch.   The Elysian Baths - A series of natural hot springs that are believed to rejuvenate and refresh those who bathe in them. This is the favored place for orgies and group sexual activities.   The Hall of Shadows - A secret underground network of tunnels and catacombs used by the court's spies and assassins to conduct their operations.


The architecture of this court is a blend of both natural and man-made structures, incorporating symbiotic relationships between the two. Buildings are constructed from organic materials such as wood, vines, and living plants, creating a harmonious relationship with the natural world. Structures are designed to complement the surrounding environment and are often built into the landscape itself, such as in the form of treehouses or underground dwellings.   In some areas, ruins of a long-forgotten realm have been reclaimed by nature, with vines and moss covering crumbling stone walls and turrets. Rather than removing these ruins, the fae of this court have incorporated them into their architecture, creating unique and otherworldly structures that blend the old with the new.   In addition to the physical buildings themselves, the streets and walkways of the capital city are often lined with living plants and flowers, creating a vibrant and colorful environment. Bridges and pathways may be constructed from woven vines, and water features are often incorporated into the design.   Overall, the architecture of this court is a celebration of the natural world and the beauty of the spring season.


The capital city of the Court of Dark Fertility is situated in a vast, ancient forest that is both beautiful and dangerous. The city is built into the trees and is characterized by its unique and symbiotic architecture, where buildings and nature blend seamlessly together. The city is surrounded by a thick canopy of trees that provide a natural defense, but also create a somewhat claustrophobic atmosphere.   The forest is home to many creatures, both magical and mundane, and there are numerous clearings, glades, and streams that wind their way through the trees. The ground is covered in soft moss and leaf litter, making it easy to move quietly and unnoticed through the forest.   As one moves deeper into the forest, the trees become larger and older, their trunks twisted and gnarled. There are ancient ruins scattered throughout the forest, remnants of a long-forgotten civilization that once thrived in this region. These ruins are often overgrown with vines and ivy, and some have become fused with the trees, creating a unique and eerie blend of nature and architecture.   The forest is also home to a number of natural springs and pools, which are said to have healing properties. The people of the Court of Dark Fertility revere these natural wonders and have built shrines and temples around them.   Overall, the geography of the Court of Dark Fertility's capital is a perfect embodiment of the court's themes of fertility, growth, and decay, with nature and architecture intertwined in a hauntingly beautiful way.

Natural Resources

The natural resources around the capital city include fertile land for agriculture, forests for timber and medicinal plants, bodies of water for fishing, and possibly mineral deposits for mining. The unique environment of the court, with its focus on symbiosis with nature, also provides opportunities for the harvesting of rare and valuable natural resources such as magical herbs, crystals, and other materials with spiritual or mystical properties.
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