Cecilia Demar Character in Innistrad | World Anvil
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Cecilia Demar

Cecilia Demar

Born with a twin brother, Cecilia has devoted her life to the knowledge of the world as well as finding her lost twin.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Cecilia wears a mask for unknown reasons to everyone around her. the mask is of a silver shaped to her face with little adornments around. However her icy blue eyes are of the most noticable feature of her face.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Her parents own a small shop in Stensia which made her upbring a bit better then most. Her twin brother that she knew up untill she was 16 was her best friend. However he was always scared of the elements a bit more than normal. He would always wish that he was at the top of the food chain. Cecilia never thought she would be working for the church, however her broher leaving gave her no reason to stay home, and more of a reason to defeat the very things that took him away.


Shes religous


Inquisitor of the church Avacyn

Failures & Embarrassments

Lost her brother out of the blue, cant forgive herself for letting him go.

Mental Trauma

Her brother left her without a sound, only leaving her to beileve that he left on his own to do who knows what.


Never become the very things you hate.

Personality Characteristics


Finding her brother. Dead or Alive.

Cecilia was born in Stensia along with her twin brother and best friend, Ciel. her brother one day disappeared when she was around the age of 16. And even now as an inquisitor, Cecilia will never stop looking for him.

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Chaotic Good
Icy Blue
Icy Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'6 Ft

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