Finlivia O'Gear Character in Instauro | World Anvil

Finlivia O'Gear


Finlivia comes from a gnome community (Havenway) in the Theoton Forest, very near Halla Lake. Her parents (Fin O’Gear and Livia O’Gear) are the village Tinkers. Their gift to repair nearly anything mechanical is well known. One day, a stranger arrived to Fin’s home, angrily demanding that he work to repair a small black clock. The stranger, while very intimidating, did offer Fin a large sum of gold and gems if he completed this job quickly. Fin’s wife, Livia, was pregnant with their first child, so Fin accepted the job to financially secure his family. With Livia’s pregnancy over halfway done, the money could be used immediately.   As Fin worked on the clock, he could not shake a very troubling feeling. Livia arrived to help Fin with daily chores and became instantly sick in the presence of the clock, having to leave the area. Fin grew more and more concerned, and the farther his repair went, the more troubling his mind became. Fin sent for the community healer to check on Livia and mentioned the stranger and the clock to the healer. The healer immediately asked to see the clock with a look of concern.   Fin lead the healer to his shop. As he opened the door the healer cried out “Oh Fin! This is terrible! This clock, once active, could kill us all!!”   Livia, hearing the yelling, started to run toward her husband’s shop. Just as Livia ran through the door, Fin picked up a hammer, unleashing a massive blow on the small black clock. The room instantly darkened, the smell of sulfur pouring from the clock. Suddenly a demonic wail filled the room and the stranger appeared, but this time with her glamour gone. Now the stranger appeared with diseased flesh, and red smoldering eyes combined with hideously deformed wings.
   But then suddenly...almost as a switch had been flipped, the stranger saw Livia and begin to laugh - a crushing laugh that filled the forest and made Fin’s blood run cold   The stranger turned… 
“No...look at that? Ha! Maybe I shall take something from you??” She cast a hand toward Livia who screamed in pain. The stranger disappeared. Livia continued to scream “No! No! Not yet...No! She’s too small!!! Help baby is coming!!!”
  ______________________________________________________________________________   No one exactly knows how Finlivia survived. The healer said her mother’s heartbeat stopped with Finlivia’s first breath. She was born very small. Smaller than she should have been. The healer had sent word through the forest that help was needed at Havenway. Healers arrived from throughout the land. However, the size of the baby was not the only odd thing noted...the baby was born with purple hair...and her eyes seemed to glow green. The healers worked around the clock to save the baby, taking turns resting. Just when the healers were reaching the point of exhaustion, a sense of peace filled the air. There was a knock on the door. As the door was opened, a tall cloaked elven lady stood at the doorway surrounded by elven guards. Queen Melody Gergun stood at the small doorway.   The Queen’s voice was low, but heavenly, 
“show me the baby and the clock.” Finlivia was handed to Queen Melody. “Interesting... She shall live...but what of her appearance? This I have not seen....” Almost instantly Finlivia let out her first sounds, opening her eyes at the Queen. “Hmmm...this will need watched. Bring me the pieces of the clock.” The shattered remnants of the clock were handed to the Queen who secured them into a pouch. “A cleric shall be appointed to watch over this child..for anything that I need to handle. I do not sense a threat….yet.”
  The Queen turned and was gone, nearly as quickly as she appeared.   ______________________________________________________________________________ A queen appointed cleric arrived to Havenway. As Finlivia grew...well...she didn’t grow very much. She appeared healthy, full of energy...but she seemed to just stop growing. She was kept very close to home and was always watched closely. Her strange eyes and hair remained. At the age of 12, the Cleric noted that Finlivia showed signs of the gift of healing. This was reported to the Queen, who said that this gift could be due to the intense healing the child received at birth. The cleric was told to work with the child...but watch her closely.   As Finlivia grew, she became restless, often attempting to sneak out of Havenway to see the world. Having a Cleric on guard made her attempts frustrating but fun. At the age of 18, Finlivia’s requests to leave the community were nonstop. Her escape plans became more devious and her attempts more and more successful. By the age of 20, Finlivia was nearly uncontainable. The Queen was again notified of Finlivia’s status. The Queen informed the cleric that she no longer felt the gnome was a concern…at the present. Finlivia, though her parents protested soundly, packed a tiny little bag...and was off. She found herself at the Eternal Calm Guild...and quickly in the Dark Kingdom castle.  

Dark Advisor Bio

Finlivia “Fini” served as the Dark Advisor to Lord Ky’sax for a time. One of the few beings still alive after frequent disagreements with the Lord, she serves as a balance to his anger and rage. Fini is fiercely protective of the Lord, the Kingdom, and the Residents. And though known for her smile and giggle, her anger can be a terrifying experience. She and Shade reside in Kun, where she serves to protect residents outside of the walls of Vorian.   Finlivia and Shade welcomed a daughter - Havok Rayne. Though she will grow to change her name to Serenity in the future to separate herself from an evil alternate plane version of herself.


Finlivia O'Gear

Significant Other (Important)

Towards Shade



Significant Other (Important)

Towards Finlivia O'Gear


Shade (Significant Other)


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