Serpentine Empire Geographic Location in Instauro | World Anvil

Serpentine Empire

Designed by Shiny Juice#4608

Serpentine Empire


This Empire was built around a giant oasis upon Unisolon. The Yuan-Ti inhabitants devote themselves to studying and unlocking all the mysteries of the arcane. Some even construct magic items, others devoting themselves to Gods or other Patrons—all the while safe and hidden from society's conflicts. The king sent many other Yuan-Ti out into the other Empires and islands to observe the events and report to the Empire. Not to act as spies, but to gather public information that is important for keeping as clear of a view on the other continents as possible. They also purchase some of the local commodities to provide multiple forms of trade as well.  

Lord Enquibi (The Arcane Blade) Aztletah:

  6th Generation ruler of the Serpentine Empire. Enquibi, much like most of his race, is emotionless. He only makes additions or changes to the Empire if it benefits the Empire. This, however, does not make him closed-minded. His skill in magic is regarded as the best in the entire Empire. This is why he holds his position as the strongest of the 9 Arcane Masters and the greatest wizard in the entire Empire. In addition to his magic, his Arcane prowess also extends to his Blade. Making him a dangerous foe or a precious ally.  

The Serpentine Castle

  This Castle was constructed by the Serpentine Lord’s Mighty Fortress spell. It remains not only his home but also his personal study and a shelter in times of crisis. This castle sits in the center of the Empire so all citizens may share in the lord's company and his knowledge. The Serpentine Empire is a currency ruled by Lord Enquibi (The Arcane Blade) Aztletah.  

The Tartarus:

  Each humanoid or medium criminal who has committed acts against the Serpentine Empire is either executed or forced into these coffins. Within these coffins, the victim's minds are sent to their own personal world. A world that teaches them that all their contributions are meaningless and will not affect the world. A world where they are driven mad through torture or giving them everything they could have ever wanted before snatching it all away. In a vicious cycle, each iteration is worse than the last. Until the inhabitant kills himself within. Once the mind is trapped within, the prisoner’s only hope is the Wish spell, but that only has a chance. As they will never know if they ever got out or not, the labyrinth is as cruel as it is cunning. It makes people torture themselves. No creature to this day has ever escaped the labyrinth, at least not mentally intact.    

Enquibi’s Study

  This vast library contains 8 generations worth of world and arcane history. There is almost nothing within the Empire’s history that wasn’t recorded. This library also carries the history of all things, even creatures from other planes, as well as aberrations. Within this Library, there is always a new bookcase, ready for new books and Grimoires.  

Arouth and Qimolto’s lab:

  Within this room, Arouth and Qimolto spend their time devising and creating new alchemical and magical creations. The room is enchanted to prevent all who were uninvited from entering. Otherwise, entering and exiting is no trouble.  

Serpentine Empire Town:

  This Town is built atop the biggest Oasis in Unisolon. As such, there is never an absence of water within this city. The Empire ensures that all residents living inside get free access to drinking water.  

The Bazaar:

  This place is open to selling commodities of all kinds. One can find armor, meat, outfits, food, weapons, and souvenirs from other Empires. There is also a great assortment of unique idols and other handcrafted objects that would make great mementos and gifts.    


  This restaurant offers a grand array of delights to strengthen and satisfy all who enter. However, the owner, Ofrusk, has terrible taste in naming places. While the name may be bland, the food most certainly is not.  

The Oasis of Bliss:

  This place serves as both a tavern and an Inn. It contains potent alcohol and soft beds. Fighting within the Tavern is usually forbidden, but as almost all the patrons are Yuan-Ti, fights rarely occur.  

The Sea of Sand:

  Some people see an ocean of death, filled with desperate predators, raging sandstorms, and dunes the size of mountains. Others see a vast open desert, waiting to be ventured, lost ruins to be found and documented, or even plundered. What greater place for a challenging adventure than a place where the days are as hot as fire and nights as cold as winter.  

The Cliffs of Unisolon:

  The Cliffs of Unisolon, or better known as the Earth Elemental graveyard. Within this canyon, there are plenty of caverns and sections for mining precious minerals and ores.  

Caverns of Unisolon:

  These caverns are home to many creatures that love dwelling within dark places. There are also some creatures of the shadows that dwell within these caves. Though dangerous to enter, there are grand rewards that can be found here.

The 9 Arcane Masters:

These 9 Yuan-Ti are recognized for their expertise in their knowledge of magic. Whether it was studied, given by a patron, or was the result of natural talent. These 9 are considered the Best of their respective practitioners throughout the Empire. They standby to defend the Serpentine Empire from any grave threat. Arouth the Brewer: A master of the Alchemy. Zebrock the Mind Melter: A mage who’s music enslaves and empowers. Proqis the Blood Warlock: A Blood Hunter with the knowledge given by an Elder Eldritch being. Sigcore the Magic Gladiator: A warrior who has studied the blade and the arcane ways. Prentosh the Illusionist: A thief who has mastery over magic, she is capable of even stealing the spell from a wizard’s book in the middle of a fight. Evonis the Gatekeeper: A divine warrior charged with preventing all extraplanar invasions he can see. Nektlu The Time Mage: a Sorcerer who claims to have the power to freeze or even reverse time, effortlessly becoming the second most powerful of the 9. Qimolto the Devil Mage: With the Demogorgon's powers on her side, she has made her mark as the third strongest of the 9. Lord Enquibi Azletah The Arcane Blade: Lord of the Serpentine Empire and the strongest of the 9. These ranks aren’t based on magical strength, rather magical skill and mastery.  

Arouth the Brewer:

Arouth spends most of her time preparing new elixirs and brews. Constantly experimenting with new potions and combinations. She has even replicated many powerful magical potions. She often finds working with Qimolto to be beneficial to her studies. Arouth is always eager to experiment but will never force others to drink her potions. That is unless they are dying or not saying no. The latter is often a yes to her. Her alchemical genius and creations clearly awarded her a seat as the 8th best of the 9.  

Zebrock the Mind Melter:

The most human-looking among all the Yuan-Ti in the Serpentine Empire. His appearance made him look weak in the eyes of his kin, but he has proven himself to be a dangerous force to face and the best ally to have at one’s side. Though his kin still sees him as the weakest, his title as one of the 9 proves otherwise. Despite his heritage, he has grown to feel emotions. Happiness, love, companionship. All these and more are things he has experienced and never wishes to stop experiencing. While seen as the lowest of his kind, he is also the most eccentric and outgoing.  

Proqis the Blood Warlock:

Armed with the studies of the dark and taxing magic of hemocraft, and the wisdom of Dendar, the Night Serpent. Proqis made his mark as the 7th best of the 9 Arcane Masters through his bizarre hemocraft and corrupted magic. He focuses more on strengthening himself, his magic, and testing tools, weapons, and other elixirs made by Arouth. He mainly keeps to himself outside of everywhere else.  

Sigcore The Magic Gladiator:

  Sigcore spent most of his life forced to study both with his wizard mother and with his warrior father. As such, he became the best of both. He became so skilled he rightfully earned his place as the 5th best of the 9. He frequently polishes his weapons or mind, even sparring with Proqis or Evonis should the opportunity arise. He spends most of his time training his kids as well. He also is in charge of training the next generation of Soldiers and Mages.  

Prentos the Illusionist:

  Prentosh grew up outside of the Serpentine Empire, within the wastelands of the Sea of Sand. He studied the magic books that he pillaged and was trained in the ways of a Rogue by a former Thief that lives within the former slums of the Serpentine Empire. He was selected to become a member of the 9 after he attempted to mug Equibi. Rather than killing Prentosh, Equibi gave Prentosh a home and a position as the 6th best of the 9. In exchange for his service, Prentos demanded that each citizen in the slums gets readily available food. Since then, the slums have become another beautiful part of the Serpentine Empire, though there are still a few small and poor homes. The community is still conducive, so some homes in the slums are bigger than the central town.  

Evonis the Gatekeeper:

  Evonis, as a child, witnessed his hometown destroyed by an invasion of Aberrations from another plane. After being rescued by Lord Wveras, the predecessor of Equibi. He spent his days training to be a warrior and practicing in private religious powers. After 3 years of this, his divine power served him well in stopping the invasion of other aberrations seconds after it began. Earning him the title of the Gatekeeper and a seat as the 4th strongest of the 9. He spends his time mainly sitting in his watchtower in the Castle, ever vigilant and waiting for the next invasion.  

Nektlu the Time Mage:

  As a teenager, Nektlu received a dream, a visit from Primus saying that he was chosen to learn and study as the first of those with Primus’s power. He would grow and master this power to teach the new generation of Sorcery better. Within a year, he baffled his peers, becoming almost unbeatable. No foe could ever get the upper hand on him. Even giving Equibi himself a great challenge when they faced each other in combat. This power easily granted his place as the second-best of the 9.  

Qimolto the Devil Mage:

  Once a wandering witch who was exiled from all places she tried to call home, Qimolto, after meeting with Arouth and Equibi found a place where she would belong. With the Demogorgon itself as her patron and her mastery of the power it gave her, these two things made her frightening to even some of the most experienced of Warlocks. But Equibi saw someone talented and skilled enough to take the previous Warlock master who passed away. Qimolto not only managed to do so, and she managed to become the 3rd best of the 9. Arouth, however, saw a sister and a great research partner in Qimolto. Qimolto enjoys spending her time with Arouth and her lab, helping her brainstorm and craft new Elixirs and potions.
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