Sophia Waters Character in Instauro | World Anvil

Sophia Waters

Sophia Alaena Waters (a.k.a. Sophie)

The Military Brat

  Without a Mother and her Father coming and going often to protect as much of the land as he was told to, Sophia grew up fast and harshly. Having to up and move on a moment's notice kept her on her toes. Being alone most of her time and having to each her self more than three-quarters of her studies she became very self-dependant and stopped caring what others would say. So what her father was a well-decorated captain. So what they could have it all if he only knew how to put down the drinks. So what he had a daughter that had to grow up feeling all alone. Attachment meant nothing and Sophia learned that very painfully. Not knowing anything other than this once she became 16 she joined the fleet and started her training. he cut throat words and cold attitude didn't end well and the fleet she joined were not ones to keep hands off to instill discipline. After an aching 6 months of basic training, they turned her into the perfect soldier. One who does as told when they are told with no questions asked. Sophia became a cold-blooded killing machine. The next two years of constant missions took a toll on her body and mind and she started to make small mistakes.. or her leaders had unreal expectations. Sending her back to a Reformation training she learned the hard truth again. They didn't care for her. it was her versus the world. She survived the training by following orders easily. her body got some time to recover before she had to go back to duty but her mind was free. She saw that her command had no interest in helping. Withholding useful information, not following up on information passed. Taking credit for the work of her peers. So she got with a few people and staged a revolt against the whole force. Their initial assault went off without a hitch. If anyone knew how to break through the defenses of this army. it was her. Then some of her members turned on her. Thought they had no other choice or were just looking for recognition. They knocked her out and tossed her overboard. By the stoke of the Gods, she survives and found herself washed on a new shore. She spent days scouting and getting an understanding of what was around before she went and joined the guild.
Current Location
Current Residence
Guild Tower
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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