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The evolution of Superhumans was influenced by the blood of Muses reincarnated in time, creating biological mutations surpassing normal human capabilities. Superhumans were "discovered" as the result of genetic experiments by German and Russian scientists. During WWII, some Superhumans were trained as soldiers by the Germans, leading to fear and stigmatization. Throughout history, stories of Superhuman traits have been associated with demigods and heroes. 

A World Government power exists to protect and hide Superhumans facing grave danger. This organization operates to ensure the safety and confidentiality of Superhumans. The Omni is a group advocating for Superhuman rights, emphasizing equality and protection against discrimination. They work to promote peaceful coexistence and understanding between Superhumans and regular humans.

Basic Information


Superhumans share the basic anatomy of Homo sapiens but possess enhanced neural pathways due to the additional genetic pairings. Their physiology may exhibit variations, such as increased metabolic efficiency and optimized muscle structure.

Biological Traits

Superhumans possess enhanced neural pathways due to the presence of animine and colcesine nucleotides, allowing access to a broader range of cognitive abilities and physical capabilities.

Genetics and Reproduction

Superhumans have a distinct genetic makeup with the presence of animine and colcesine nucleotides. The genetic traits are hereditary, and offspring have a 25% chance of inheriting the "Divine Gene Pairing."

Growth Rate & Stages

The gestation period for Superhumans is shorter than that of regular humans. They undergo typical stages of human development but may exhibit accelerated growth during puberty when their enhanced abilities manifest.

Ecology and Habitats

Superhumans inhabit various environments on Earth, integrating into human societies. Their presence may be concealed to avoid discrimination or exploitation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Superhumans have dietary needs similar to regular humans. However, their enhanced metabolism may require a slightly increased intake of nutrients to sustain their advanced physical capabilities.

Biological Cycle

The biological cycle of Superhumans aligns with that of Homo sapiens. They undergo birth, growth, reproduction, and aging. However, their extended neural pathways contribute to prolonged cognitive and physical vitality.


The behavior and psychology of Superhumans vary, influenced by their individual abilities and experiences. They may display a range of personalities, from altruistic defenders of justice to individuals with more complex motivations.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of Superhumans is integrated into human societies, and they may adopt various roles, professions, or lifestyles. Discrimination or fear may lead some Superhumans to form supportive communities or organizations.


Superhumans cannot be domesticated in the traditional sense, as they are sentient beings with independent wills. They may form bonds and relationships with regular humans, contributing positively to society.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Superhumans contribute to society through diverse professions and activities, similar to regular humans. Their abilities may be utilized for the greater good or exploited for personal gain, depending on individual choices. The byproducts of their existence include advancements in various fields and potential breakthroughs in understanding human potential. Exploitation, when it occurs, can lead to ethical dilemmas and conflicts within society.

Facial characteristics

Facial features among Superhumans are diverse, reflecting the range of human appearances. There are no distinct facial characteristics exclusive to Superhumans, allowing them to blend into human populations seamlessly.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Superhumans are dispersed globally, integrated into human societies. Their geographic distribution mirrors that of the general human population, and they may conceal their abilities to avoid discrimination.

Average Intelligence

Superhumans exhibit above-average intelligence, utilizing enhanced neural pathways for advanced problem-solving, learning, and cognitive functions. Intelligence levels vary based on individual experiences and education.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Superhumans have heightened sensory perception, including enhanced vision, hearing, and tactile sensitivity. Some may develop extrasensory capabilities, such as telepathy or psychometry, depending on their unique genetic makeup.

See Divine Powers under Magick & Abilities

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Superhumans do not have symbiotic or parasitic relationships with other species. However, they may form alliances with regular humans or other Superhumans based on shared goals or mutual interests.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Naming traditions among Superhumans follow conventional human practices, with names influenced by cultural, familial, or personal preferences. There are no specific naming conventions exclusive to Superhumans.

Major Organizations

The Omni is a major organization advocating for Superhuman rights, promoting peaceful coexistence, and defending against discrimination. This group works to foster understanding between Superhumans and regular humans.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty ideals among Superhumans vary, encompassing diverse physical appearances. There are no specific beauty standards exclusive to Superhumans, allowing for individual expressions of attractiveness.

Gender Ideals

Gender ideals among Superhumans reflect human diversity. There is no prescribed gender role or expectation specific to Superhumans, fostering equality and freedom of expression.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship rituals among Superhumans align with human practices, involving mutual attraction, shared interests, and emotional connection. There are no unique courtship ideals exclusive to Superhumans.

Relationship Ideals

Relationship ideals among Superhumans emphasize mutual respect, understanding, and shared values. Superhumans may form relationships with regular humans, navigating the complexities of balancing enhanced abilities with human experiences.

Average Technological Level

The technological level of Superhumans aligns with that of regular humans. They contribute to technological advancements in various fields, using their enhanced abilities for scientific and societal progress.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Superhumans speak the languages of the regions they inhabit, reflecting the linguistic diversity of human societies. There are no specific language groups or dialects exclusive to Superhumans.

Common Etiquette Rules

Etiquette among Superhumans mirrors human social norms, emphasizing politeness, respect, and consideration for others. Superhumans may adhere to cultural etiquette specific to their geographic locations.

Common Dress Code

Superhumans adopt dress codes based on cultural, professional, or personal preferences. There are no specific attire requirements exclusive to Superhumans, allowing for individual expression.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Superhumans contribute to human culture, participating in artistic, scientific, and social endeavors. Their cultural heritage is intertwined with human history, reflecting a shared legacy of achievements and challenges.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Superhumans engage in common customs and traditions observed by human societies. They may celebrate cultural, religious, or societal events, contributing to the rich tapestry of human traditions.

Common Taboos

Taboos among Superhumans align with human societal norms, emphasizing respect for others, avoidance of harm, and adherence to legal and ethical standards.


Superhumans have a history rooted in late 19th-century genetic experiments by German and Russian scientists seeking to create a "Master Race." The discovery of animine and colcesine nucleotides led to the evolution of individuals with enhanced abilities.

Historical Figures

Major historical figures among Superhumans include those who played pivotal roles in The Omni or in shaping Superhuman rights. Their contributions are celebrated within Superhuman communities.

Common Myths and Legends

Myths and legends associated with Superhumans often echo historical stories of demigods and heroes. The true origin of Superhumans, linked to the Muses' blood and human evolution, remains a hidden aspect of their history.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Interspecies relations between Superhumans and regular humans vary. The existence of Superhumans has been met with fear and discrimination in some historical contexts, leading to the formation of protective organizations like The Omni. Ongoing efforts aim to foster understanding and cooperation between the two groups.
© 2023 R. Frerksen
Scientific Name
Homo magnificus
Evolved subspecies of Homo sapiens caused by genetic experiments in the late 1800s
More than 100 years
Average Height
Range from 5 to 7 feet
Average Weight
Range from 120 to 200 pounds
Average Physique
Physiques among Superhumans vary based on their unique abilities. Some may develop enhanced muscular structures, while others may exhibit a more slender or athletic build.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Superhumans share typical human skin tones, hair colors, and eye colors. There are no specific body tints or markings associated with their enhanced abilities. Any variations are within the range of natural human diversity.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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