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Valkyrie Clan

The Valkyrie Clan, an ancient assembly of celestial warriors originating from Southern Ireland, stands as defenders of the delicate balance between the mortal and divine realms. Shaped by a cosmic mandate revealed by the Celtic Gods, their history intertwines with the pivotal events surrounding Brindle, her dragons, and the malevolent artifact, the Box of Mørkraft.


The Valkyrie Clan follows a hereditary leadership structure, where the leader is always a descendant of one of the original families. The leadership transition occurs seamlessly, ensuring a continuous connection to the divine lineage.


The Valkyrie Clan embodies discipline, valor, and a profound connection to the cosmic forces that shape the realms. Drawing inspiration from their celestial lineage, they value unity and collaboration, reflecting the diverse celestial elements that compose their essence. Rituals involving the forging of celestial bonds strengthen their connection to each other and their purpose.

Public Agenda

The Valkyrie Clan's primary agenda is to safeguard the cosmic balance by confronting threats like the Box of Mørkraft. Their ethereal missions extend beyond celestial realms, venturing into mortal worlds to protect both mortals and deities from existential dangers.


The Valkyrie Clan possesses ethereal armaments, celestial forges, and astral steeds. Their most significant assets are the ethereal knowledge passed down through generations and the celestial mandates bestowed upon them by cosmic forces.


The history of the Valkyrie Clan unfolds in tandem with the cosmic mandate revealed by the Celtic Gods. Their pivotal role in the celestial collaboration against the Box of Mørkraft reflects a saga of duty, sacrifice, and the perpetual struggle to maintain the cosmic order.

Under the leadership of Queen Mabh, the Valkyrie Clan's history is marked by unwavering determination to fulfill their sacred charge. The journey to locate and destroy the Box of Mørkraft becomes a testament to their resilience and commitment to the cosmic directive. The intertwining of their history with Brindle, Loki, and their twins adds layers of complexity to their celestial narrative.

The Valkyrians' favorite holiday, Beltane, symbolizes not only fertility but also the continuous renewal of their celestial vows. The circular flame on the wrists of blessed children serves as a visible manifestation of their divine heritage, a symbol embraced with pride.

As descendants of Merlin, the Valkyrie Clan's history is an ever-evolving saga, intricately connected to the cosmic forces that shape their celestial destiny.

Demography and Population

The celestial warriors of the Valkyrie Clan, a diverse group with individuals embodying various cosmic affinities. The population is dynamic, with celestial beings from different realms joining the ranks, and mortal descendants fulfilling crucial roles.


The Valkyrie Clan's territory spans the ethereal landscapes of Southern Ireland, where the Celestial Citadel stands as a celestial bastion. The enclave exists in harmony with the earthly realm, hidden from mortal eyes by ethereal veils.


The Valkyrie Clan's strength lies in the Dragons of Destiny, ethereal beings created by Brindle. These dragons, with their celestial composition, serve as protectors and enforcers, pledging solemn commitment to defend against cosmic threats. The Valkyrian warriors, armed with celestial weaponry, complement the dragon guardians in times of conflict.

Technological Level

Valkyrians embrace green technologies, integrating eco-friendly practices into their daily lives. Solar panels, energy-efficient appliances, and sustainable building materials are common. They prioritize technological advancements that align with environmental conservation, emphasizing a responsible approach to progress. The Valkyrians embody a harmonious blend of celestial and mundane lifestyles. 

Grounded in sustainable practices and cultural appreciation, they contribute to both their local communities and the broader human experience. This synthesis reflects their commitment to fostering balance not only in the celestial realms but also in the everyday lives of mortal Valkyrians.


The Valkyrie Clan follows the Celestial Faith, a belief system rooted in the cosmic harmony upheld by celestial beings. Their religious practices include celestial ceremonies, astral meditations, and rituals to honor the Celtic Gods. They often attend mainstream religious services while incorporating celestial rituals into their personal spiritual routines. The cosmic balance and the legacy of the Valkyrie Clan are honored through subtle nods in their daily prayers and rituals. The quest to destroy the Box of Mørkraft is considered a divine mission, emphasizing the importance of maintaining balance in the cosmic order.

Foreign Relations

The Valkyrie Clan maintains alliances with celestial factions that share a commitment to cosmic harmony. Diplomatic ties are carefully navigated to ensure the Valkyrie Clan's standing in celestial affairs.


The foundation of Valkyrian law, the Cosmic Codex, articulates the principles of celestial justice and the maintenance of cosmic equilibrium. It governs celestial conduct, inter-realm interactions, and the use of celestial powers.

Agriculture & Industry

Mortal Valkyrians prioritize sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices. Their farms, inspired by celestial principles, emphasize harmony with nature. They engage in community-supported agriculture, fostering a connection between producers and consumers. Ethereal elements are subtly integrated into the cultivation process, promoting a holistic approach to farming.

Trade & Transport

Valkyrians participate in local markets, trading not only earthly goods but also artisanal crafts inspired by celestial aesthetics. Transport involves eco-conscious methods, with some Valkyrians favoring bicycles or communal electric vehicles for short distances, aligning with their commitment to environmental harmony.


alkyrian children learn about their celestial heritage alongside standard academic subjects. Cultural exchange programs encourage a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives. The emphasis is on nurturing well-rounded individuals who appreciate both their celestial legacy and the mundane world.


Valkyrian communities establish community centers that serve as hubs for both celestial and mundane activities. These centers host events, workshops, and cultural gatherings, fostering a sense of unity and connection among mortal Valkyrians.

Mythology & Lore

The members of the Valkyrie Clan believe in a vast Celestial Tapestry that encompasses the interconnected threads of fate, woven by the divine loom. The tapestry narrates the celestial history and the ongoing struggle against the forces of imbalance, including the tales of Brindle, Loki, and the Box of Mørkraft.

Divine Origins

The Valkyrian trace their lineage back to Queen Mabh and the celestial mandate entrusted to the Valkyrie Clan by the Celtic Gods. They believe that their origins are intertwined with both the celestial and mortal realms, embodying a unique balance that allows them to serve as guardians of cosmic equilibrium.

Cosmological Views

Valkyrians believe in a multilayered cosmology where the mortal, celestial, and otherworldly realms coexist. The delicate balance between these realms is maintained through the vigilance of the Valkyrie Clan. The Box of Mørkraft symbolizes the potential disruption of this cosmic equilibrium.

Tenets of Faith

The central tenet of Valkyrian faith is the pursuit of harmony and balance. They strive to maintain equilibrium between the mortal and celestial realms, fostering cooperation rather than domination. The reverence for the cosmic mandate guides their actions and decisions.


Ethical principles among the Valkyrians revolve around courage in the face of adversity and compassion for all beings. They believe in the inherent goodness of individuals and strive to bring about positive change in both celestial and mortal realms.


Valkyrians engage in celestial rituals to honor their ancestors and reaffirm their commitment to the cosmic mandate. Beltane, the fertility festival, holds particular significance, symbolizing the continuation of the Valkyrian bloodline. Offerings and prayers are made to Aine, the deity associated with fertility.


The priesthood among the Valkyrians consists of individuals known as "Weavers of Fate." These individuals undergo rigorous training in celestial lore, rituals, and the arts of weaving. They are responsible for interpreting the signs within the Celestial Tapestry and guiding the community in matters of faith.

Granted Divine Powers

The descendants of the Valkyrie Clan inherit celestial powers, ranging from enhanced strength and agility to the ability to commune with otherworldly entities. These powers are channeled for the greater good, aligning with the cosmic mandate to safeguard the realms.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Valkyrians are governed by a Celestial Council, composed of individuals recognized for their wisdom and commitment to maintaining balance. Political intrigue arises when decisions regarding cosmic matters and alliances with other celestial entities are debated within the council.


Within the Valkyrie Clan, two prominent sects emerge. The Guardians focus on protecting the realms and upholding the cosmic balance. The Seekers, on the other hand, dedicate themselves to unraveling the mysteries of the celestial forces, delving into ancient texts and artifacts to glean insights into their divine heritage. Both sects collaborate to fulfill the overarching mission of the Valkyrians.
Please Remember:
Age of Clay is a fictional timeline.
Most of this information was adapted from historical records to match the plotline.
All of the images on this site were found using public search domains.
I do not claim them as my own!

Harmony of Divine Duty

Founding Date
Time Immemorial
Religious, Divine Host
Alternative Names
Brindle's Vanguard
Training Level
Veterancy Level
The Valkyrian Dominion spans across the celestial realms, with ethereal citadels floating amidst the cosmic currents. Notable locations include the Luminal Bastion, a central hub for strategic planning, and the Aetherial Nexus, a mystical meeting ground for celestial entities.
The currency of the Valkyrian Dominion, Etherium Shards, are crystalline fragments imbued with celestial energy. They are used for transactions among celestial beings, symbolizing the essence of cosmic harmony.
Major Exports
Valkyrians export artisanal crafts influenced by celestial themes. These crafts, ranging from jewelry to home decor, showcase the fusion of celestial and earthly aesthetics. The exports contribute to local economies while preserving the Valkyrie Clan's cultural identity.
Major Imports
Valkyrians import cultural artifacts from various regions, appreciating the diversity of human craftsmanship. These items serve as reminders of their connection to the mortal world and contribute to the rich tapestry of their cultural practices.
Legislative Body
Comprising esteemed Valkyrian commanders and advisors, the Valkyrian Council serves as the legislative body. Decisions regarding celestial missions, alliances, and the interpretation of celestial mandates are collectively determined by the council.
Judicial Body
Led by Valkyrian judges known for their wisdom and impartiality, the Astral Tribunal presides over celestial disputes and ensures adherence to cosmic laws. Trials involve astral projections and divine revelations to discern truth.
Executive Body
The executive body is led by the current leader of the Valkyrie Clan. Her court consists of trusted advisors and commanders who oversee the day-to-day operations, ensuring the seamless execution of celestial missions.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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