Arabic Republic
The Arabic Republic (AR) is a reorganized union of the Middle Eastern nations under the combined militarized dictatorship of the unified Taliban. The AR is the most hostile enemy of the other alliances. In 2072 they launched an all-out nuclear attack against 87 countries. Though Arabic Republic has no planets under their control, they do have small bases dotted across the galaxy. (most are hollowed out asteroids). Currently, they are engaged in peace talks with the UNF and New USSR on New Earth. A proposal that was placed on the table by the AR’s new leader, Mumtaaza al-Selim.
[coming soon]Government and politics
[coming soon]Supreme President
[coming soon]Guardian Council
[coming soon]Law
[coming soon]Foreign relations
[coming soon]Military
[coming soon]Human rights
[coming soon]Economy
[coming soon]Energy
[coming soon]Education, science and technology
[coming soon]Demographics
[coming soon]Languages
[coming soon]Ethnic groups
[coming soon]Religion
[coming soon]Founded 12, October 2070 (uncomfirmed)
Type Dictator-Democracy
Head of State Supreme President of the Arabic Republic
Head of Government Prime Minister of the Arabic Republic
Military Armed Forces of the Arabic Republic (Official), Insergent Forces (unofficial)
Religion Islam
Official Language Arabic
Notable Members