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The Arch-Heart, God of the Sun

For more information on all Prime Deities, see: Prime Deities

Guardian of beauty and the arts, Corellon is the patron of arcane magic, the sun, and the fey. Corellon wove the first elves from grass in the twisted lands of Faerûn. They wandered the realm of the fey, seeding them with the first arcane magics and raising the most ancient of forests. During the Age of Creation, it was Corellon who first taught mortals the art of the arcane, so that they might conjure magical power without the intervention of the divine. It was also by the Arch-Heart's hand that the first elves wandered from Faerûn, and for this reason, he is considered the Father of All Elves. Those who seek art in all their work, whether magical or mundane, often worship at his altar. He casts his watchful eye upon such benefactors.

Physical Description

Most modern tapestries and tomes depict Corellon as an elven being of impossible grace and beauty, androgynous and alluring, framed by long, wavy, golden hair. They were the inspiration for many early elven art pieces, and elements of their visage or symbol are included in most sun elven architecture.

Divine Realm

Corellon watches the business of mortals and gods from within the Palace of the Crescent Grove in the beautiful realm of Arborea, surrounded by towering white trees and pillars of marble.

Tenets of Faith

  • Create, inspire, and find beauty in all that you do.
  • Follow the echoes of lost magics, forgotten sites, and ancient art, for within these lie the Arch-Heart's first works.
  • Uphold the dignity and integrity of all elvenkind.

Social Aptitude

While Corellon shares the elven trait of pride that can border arrogance, this never gets the better of him. He is a god with an endless willingness to learn from others and acts on it, even including mortals in his sources of discovering new information, methods, and philosophies.


Among Corellon's worshippers are elves, eladrin, and their descendants, as well as many bards. His clerics wear gold circlets and gossamer robes of the brightest orange.   One of Corellon's orders, the Fellowship of the Forgotten Flower, is a loosely structured organization made of elven knights or elven warriors dedicated to the recovery of lost elven relics from long-abandoned realms.

Contacts & Relations

Prime Deities

Corellon is the leader of the Seldarine, the elven pantheon, and is generally close with all of them. He is allied with various deities from the Iolcusian pantheon who deal with nature or magic as well as the leaders of the non-human pantheons like Moradin, because to Corellon, human expansion is a source of fear.

Betrayer Deities

During the War of Repellence, Corellon fought one of the Betrayer Deities, Gruumsh the Ruiner. According to various myths, when Corellon pierced Gruumsh's eye, the Ruiner's blood rained down and mutated the elven horselords who rode into battle to aid Corellon. Some were fused with their horses and became the first centaurs. Others, elven and possibly human as well, were transformed into the first orcs. After the battle, the elves of Iolcus prayed to Corellon to save them, but received no answer, as Corellon's ears were said to still ring with pain; those elves retreated to Faerûn.

Divine Traits

General Information

Alternative Name(s)
The Arch-Heart
Coronal of Arvandor
Creator of the Elves
Father of All Elves
Father of Elvenkind
First of the Seldarine
God of the Elves
God of the Sun
The Protector

Chaotic Good

Prime Deity

Areas of Concern
Art, beauty, elves, the sun

Favored Weapon
Elven curved blade

Sacred Animal(s)

Sacred Color(s)
Gold, orange, yellow

Bright, eight-pointed star
Alchemists, artists, authors, sun elves, wizards, writers

Worshipers' Adjective(s)

Arborea - Palace of the Crescent Grove, Arvandor (1st layer)

D&D 5e

Arcana, Light

Pathfinder 1e

Artifice, Chaos, Charm, Good, Magic, Sun

Alchemy, Arcane, Captivation, Day, Light, Revelry

Pathfinder 2e

Creation, Passion, Perfection, Sun

Alternative Domain(s)

Divine Ability
Dexterity or Intelligence

Divine Font

Divine Skill

Cleric Spells
1st: Concordant Choir
4th: Creation
7th: Sunburst

Divine Boons
  • Minor Boon
  • Moderate Boon
    You are inspired to create great works and become a virtuoso at all arts. You gain the Specialty Crafting feat and the Virtuoso Performer feat in all categories of Crafting and Performance.
  • Major Boon
    Corellon bestows upon you a golden suit of armor made from sunlight, or transforms your favorite armor to gain that aspect. Once per hour while you are wearing the armor, if an attack would reduce your Hit Points to 0, the attack is instead completely negated.

Divine Curses
  • Minor Curse
  • Moderate Curse
    Corellon decrees that his light is no longer your ally. You gain light blindness.
  • Major Curse

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